1.29.2009 |
I can't close my right eye... it's numb... I need a patch, feel like a pirate, arghh |
  Me and Dad  Me, Dad, and the Italian guy (hearing his accent was nice because it reminded me of my nice times with Red)  I'm tired =P  Dane, Dad, Baldy Bowl, Me  We made it!  Dane, Me
It's been a while since my last post. I don't really have much to say though. I went hiking on Tuesday, and ironically came across a guy from Northern Italy but lives in Temecula like me. Dane went with me and my dad.
Today I had to get 2 fillings. I was numb up to my eyeball (which is normal) but this time from a different angle so I wouldn't close my eyelid... I taped my eye closed with clear hockey tape when I got home because I couldn't blink and my eye kept watering. But I guess the filling on the far back tooth was deep but not wide. It went straight down and he had to drill almost into my nerve =( My tongue is numb, well, half of it is, so I talk funny. It's beginning to go away though so I probably sound a little more normal now.
Chris is starting to really worry me. He hardly ever comes on Skype and when he does, I don't talk to him because he usually ignores me. But last night around 9:oopm he signed on. I ignored him like usual but he sent me a strange message:
[1/28/2009 9:13:21 PM] Chris: awesome drunken [1/28/2009 9:13:28 PM] Chris: i love you gotta go!
(Usually it shows his last name but I deleted it once I put it on this post. I don't like using last names)
I tried to text him but no response. I'm beginning to think maybe he got a new phone so I don't have his correct number anymore. I will try to email him tonight.
Oh, yesterday there was a car chase, a lady took off with a U-Haul moving truck. It was dangerous but really funny. Please watch this clip of the end of the chase, the driver is swerving trying to slosh the remaining gasoline around to get more out of it, but it runs out and she makes a run for it... Really funny: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6kQYPaAE08 One more note, I keep having dreams about Jack Johnson (from the LA Kings, not the singer). So you know what that means? It means I have to go to Tip-A-King and meet him and get his autograph and a picture with him. I have to. My birthday is coming up, so if you still haven't thought of anything to get me, get me tickets to Tip-A-King, preferably the $300 VIP ticket, if not, the $85 General Admission one it fine. Oh oh, one more note. I want Derren Brown to get me to hallucinate like these people, but instead of forks, something a little more entertaining, like a hottie walking into my bedroom in the middle of the night, haha. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NTyU6_WO-8 |
posted by Katie @ 5:35 PM  |
1.15.2009 |
Oh Jack, Doctor Babe, and my Killer Nerd |
Happy Birthday Jack, I realize I'm posting it late but I remembered it on your actual birthday, January 13. You're 22 years old now! And you will probably never read this either!
Kill Jack Kill (JMFJ, Jack MuthaFuckin Johnson)
My Tomato (Oscar Moller) and Lemon (Jack Johnson), the Grape (Teddy Purcell) is good too  Mmm, oh Jack... I wish you played Fear Factor and hung from my ceiling at my house every night I talked to Mattia last night, we were both kind just blah I think. I had to text him to get him to come online and say hi, because he was ignoring my emails. He can be so thick sometimes.
I have been having some really strange dreams lately... and they have all had Chris in them, please, I don't want anymore of those bad-ending premonitions. he first one I had dealt with him losing his dog in the middle of Arizona and or some reason I was driving through there with my dad (and sister possibly) and we almost hit him while he stood in the middle of the highway looking for his dog. I got out of the car and me and him hung out in the rafters of an old steel structure and he told me he was joining the Army and i was crying and begging him not to go, and the weird part was that after we kind of hooked up, and we hugged for a really long time, a tight hug... so weird.
The second one involved being at the rink, but the rink was inside Costco (weird!) and he was there in the skybox doing stuff, I'm not sure what but he was running around, anyway, he had a friend coaching the class and I think it was supposed to be Jordan, but it didn't look like him. This guy had dark brown hair, but I guess Jordan's body, very strong and fit. And there were a bunch of old people, I'm talking 50-70 years old, taking the class. Afterward, the Jordan-like guy was flirting with me and I left for a while, but came back later and it's like nothing at changed at the rink, the old people were just getting changed again, and the Jordan guy pulled me into a hug and I had my arms hugging his torso. There was also mention about Prom, but I'm not sure what that was about because Prom was in high school, that's over with. And everyone was telling me that the Jordan guy liked me and all that, but I'm not really sure what happened in the end.
I was looking at nicknames that people call their boyfriend/girlfriend and I ran across a nickname generator. It was spot on when it said Mattia is Mr. Smarty because it's almost an oxymoron sometimes. He is really smart, just a bit airheaded at times. I had another friend that was Killer Nerd and one I thought was a little kinky was that Raitis Ivanans was Doctor Babe.
To try out the nickname generator for yourself visit this site. |
posted by Katie @ 4:10 PM  |
1.10.2009 |
Yay Will and Andy! |
Got up bright and early this morning to play hockey... Well, more like dark and early. I left at 5:30am and got there at 6, and it was still pitch black. And it was windy all night long, really windy. When I was walking into the Iceoplex it was blowing my equipment back over (it has wheels so I can roll it). I played pick up, Will and Andy were there, and the guy I thought was named Ted is actually named John (or maybe Jon, I'm not sure). Oh, and Steve met me there too. Will was teasing me with the puck, and after 30-45 minutes of play he finally realized it was me he was playing against, and once he realized that he gave me a good whack to the butt with his stick. And apparently I was playing a little more contact than I thought because I got Will against the boards and locked myself between his legs to get the puck but he was able to kick it away... but then I got it. Steve noticed and was shouting to me from the bench "follow through with your check!" After that I started to notice I was getting a little physical.
I also ended up sharing a locker room with Steve and 3 high school boys... one of which liked me because when I sat next to him on the bench he was staring at me and smiling. And in the locker room he sat with his shirt off and his hand inside his hockey pants, um, moving it... and I wasn't even undressed! I was wearing all the bottom half of my gear and shoulder pads and elbow pads. I didn't even make eye contact with that kid when I was in my shorts and sports bra. The kid wasn't even good looking. In fact if I would have seen him out in public I would never have guess he even knew what hockey was. Ugh... creeps me out a little.
OMG and I finally saw Andy in street clothes... totally not the dude I imagined he was... Let's just say I like him better wearing all his hockey stuff with his legs across my lap.
Ooh, I got a donut and chocolate milk for breakfast. And then I made some tea, but I for got about it as it soaked, and 20 minutes past the time I was supposed to take out the leaf catcher thingy, I remembered. I was expecting it to be super bitter, but it was actually really good! A surprise for me. |
posted by Katie @ 2:50 PM  |
1.05.2009 |
What a Wrap-Around! **sigh** |
So the morning skate failed... but the morning skate worked! (yeah yeah, there are 2 morning skates, 5:30am and 11:30am, I went to the later one). My new stick feels amazing in my hands, it is so light and handles great. I love it. Chris showed up super late because his dog ran away. Rob was there, we worked on passing, he says I have a really nice pass, right to his tape nice and hard. I haven't really worked with him for a long time. Then I played 3-on-3 with a kid about 16yrs old and his little brother, about 12yrs old. Later when Chris showed up he was put on my team, screaming "SHOOT!" and "USE YOUR BODY!! HIT HIM!!" so he wanted me to check the other boys. The only one i really got was Rob and the 12yr old. Chris was pretty playful with me, gave me lots of taps on my shins and butt and punches to my shoulder,. After our chat the other night I think he feels a little more comfortable with me to screw around (I think he is starting to get tired of Christina's wild behavior). Plus Christina wasn't there so I was really his only target : We should have gone to Pinkberry's after... dang... Oh and I was playing when I noticed this guy walk up to the glass, good looking... familiar... He had a shaved head, big strong muscular arms, and a tight t-shirt. I skated over to Chris as fast as possible and said "You brought Jordan!" and Chris just said "No, he was at the gym working out." (I want Jordan to dress me up in his goalie gear so bad. I think his pads are too big for me, but it would still be fun). Rob was really good at supporting me... always congratulating me or complimenting me. I felt like the goalie was giving me goals, that pissed me off. I did get one really really nice wrap-around goal all on my own, it just slipped in between the post and goalie pads on the left side. I got glove punches from everyone and a punch and tap on the head from Chris. It was an amazing goal, it felt awesome, just like a Frolov move. Wow, I wish I could have recorded it on video. It might be sounding very full of myself right now but I hardly ever score (maybe 1 time?) and NEVER score like I did this morning. =) I only fell once, the hockey pants work well. I lied in front of the goalie on my back and Chris skated to me and I thought he was going to help me up but instead he just leaned over me and said "What? Am I too hot for you?" and skated away. Oh, by the way, Chris got his dog back, don't worry. It took him a while to tell me that part like it did for me to tell you. : And we get fried chicken for dinner too! Mmm Here are some pictures of my new stick...     |
posted by Katie @ 3:09 PM  |
1.03.2009 |
Gee, thanks, Chris... |
Wow, so I went to Hockey Giant... got my stick and socks and shirt and game and pucks... and got home... same ole same ole... and then Chris came on Skype and we actually started talking... i was happy to hear from him, but began to cry when he said i might move back up north over summer... until he called me and I thought it was an accident... until he did it again... "answer the damn phone" he told me... so I did. Apparently I was his guinea pig so he could test his hi-def webcam. It was funny... and he showed me his doggy... and complained he (Chris) was getting fat because he didn't skate for 3 weeks. And i will never think of a certain Skype smiley the same way again... thanks Chris. So I ended with a laugh... not to mention the Kings beat the Flyers. Yay! |
posted by Katie @ 11:23 PM  |
1.01.2009 |
What a great turn around for me |
Happy New Year. I was really depressed last night... I missed Mattia so much, I actually broke down and cuddled up with his jacket he left here. I haven't even touched it since we split. But then about 11pm he was online... and the first thing he said to me was "Hi my sweetee," so I was so happy. He stay up with me for New Years and I got to give him my first kiss of the year, and we spent the next hour together after that too. It made me feel good to read the words "I love you too" at the end and to see him tell me I'm beautiful so many times. We talked about a few other things as well that lets me know he still loves me, you know? Just a few comments I will not mention here because I don't think you need to hear it, it's sort of personal. But I'm glad that we worked out the awkward kinks. Anton was right, he is right about a lot of things, I can't wait for him to come to the west coast, he spent New Year's in Time Square this year, lucky!
Anyway, Happy New Year again, I'm glad mine turned from super depressing to very very good... it's going to be a good year I think. year of 09, exactly like what Mattia wears when he plays hockey =P |
posted by Katie @ 11:50 AM  |