We made it!

Dane, Me
It's been a while since my last post. I don't really have much to say though. I went hiking on Tuesday, and ironically came across a guy from Northern Italy but lives in Temecula like me. Dane went with me and my dad.
Today I had to get 2 fillings. I was numb up to my eyeball (which is normal) but this time from a different angle so I wouldn't close my eyelid... I taped my eye closed with clear hockey tape when I got home because I couldn't blink and my eye kept watering. But I guess the filling on the far back tooth was deep but not wide. It went straight down and he had to drill almost into my nerve =( My tongue is numb, well, half of it is, so I talk funny. It's beginning to go away though so I probably sound a little more normal now.
Chris is starting to really worry me. He hardly ever comes on Skype and when he does, I don't talk to him because he usually ignores me. But last night around 9:oopm he signed on. I ignored him like usual but he sent me a strange message:
[1/28/2009 9:13:21 PM] Chris: awesome drunken
[1/28/2009 9:13:28 PM] Chris: i love you gotta go!
(Usually it shows his last name but I deleted it once I put it on this post. I don't like using last names)
I tried to text him but no response. I'm beginning to think maybe he got a new phone so I don't have his correct number anymore. I will try to email him tonight.
Oh, yesterday there was a car chase, a lady took off with a U-Haul moving truck. It was dangerous but really funny. Please watch this clip of the end of the chase, the driver is swerving trying to slosh the remaining gasoline around to get more out of it, but it runs out and she makes a run for it... Really funny:
One more note, I keep having dreams about Jack Johnson (from the LA Kings, not the singer). So you know what that means? It means I have to go to Tip-A-King and meet him and get his autograph and a picture with him. I have to. My birthday is coming up, so if you still haven't thought of anything to get me, get me tickets to Tip-A-King, preferably the $300 VIP ticket, if not, the $85 General Admission one it fine.
Oh oh, one more note. I want Derren Brown to get me to hallucinate like these people, but instead of forks, something a little more entertaining, like a hottie walking into my bedroom in the middle of the night, haha.