Jeff Actually Gave Me Good Ideas!
I want this shirt... It has House's infamous quote on it and proceeds go to a charity... so if anyone wants to buy it for me... (hint hint) Get me a small :)
So I got home from school and sat outside with Ashley for a while and did some of my homework. Then Ashley had to go to work so Jeff came out and he was playing around with his baseball bat and a softball. He'd knock it up the street up by my house and he was using his bat as a cane and was hobbling up the street to my house to get the ball. I was giggling because it reminded me of the Wal-Mart Greeter incident. Anywho, I asked him to help my think of some ideas for that assignment in Carne's class and all he came up with was two (semi-good) ideas, which I shall not share because I want to use them!

Then, we started arguing about last nights Angels/Mariners game and how the Mariners kicked our (meaning the Angels) ass. After that... he brought up the subject of the pool when we were there two weekends ago. He was saying that I kept telling him to leave me along and go away when he was sitting next to me... I don't remember saying that but he says I did. But I know I didn't prtest when he laid on the step in the spa and rested his head on my shoulder. His hair tickles a little when it's wet... :)

I then went on Limewire and downloaded about 50 songs, most of which are 30 Seconds from Mars and Breaking Benjamin with a few *N Sync and Fergie songs. Then I burned myself a new CD for my car ride to school. I'm kinda getting sick of the one that's been in the stereo for the last couple months. Bummer it's too old and doesn't have an iPod jack... :(
posted by Katie @ 8:26 PM   0 comments

Yesterday, after the blood donation thingy, I was in 5th period and Rachel was talking about how she donated and asked the teacher if he did. He said no and that he never would because it scares him. He's really afraid of needles.

When I was at the Getty Museum on Tuesday, I saw Chad Michael Murray. No joke. Rachel Corter and I followed him to the cafe (that we thought was the expensive one) but we didn't go inside. He was with his dark-haired friend/body guard person and his wife, who, btw, is really short compared to him and acts like a bitchy show-off. I mean, she almost fell over onto one of the Italian art pieces. Anyway, Chad and his other friend looked back at us when they were walking and waved to us. Since our semi-large group of girls were watching him walk, he knew that we knew who he was and he was totally strutting his stuff. He had his hair in a faux hawk with gold-rimmed cop glasses and wore a pair of jeans and a plain white t-shirt... at least I'm pretty sure it was plain.

I went to the dentist today and I watched Pirate II because I thought it'd be a god refresher for tomorrow, plus, I don't know if the dentist gets the Discovery Channel. But the seats are really comfy and I get a pillow and my own headphones and everything! It's pretty nice. I recommend Dr. Dennis Huston.
posted by Katie @ 8:05 PM   0 comments
Dick and Dane on Family Feud!!!!!!!
My dad just called and told us to put on Family Feud because the De Boer (pronounced: d-bore) family was on it. The people with the twins Dick and Dane. In a previous post I had a couple of pictures of them while they were hanging from the fire tower look-out at Tahquitz Peak. Anyway, they were on Family Feud! Here are some pictures I took off my TV.

DANE and the Host Guy (I dunno his name)

Dick and Dane (In that order... I think)

posted by Katie @ 6:46 PM   0 comments
Bionic eyeballs and yellow iris. Soooo scary.

Kaplow brought me my Pirates ticket today! YAY! I need to pay her $10 still.

I had this crazy psycho dream last night (actually it was 3am this morning) that had to do with a particular someone. Bionic eyeballs and yellow iris. Soooo scary. I couldn't go to sleep afterwards. But in the dream... HE WAS IN MY HOUSE!!!

We finished the movie 5th period from Friday and we were going to start a new one but we were all talking abouit how great the movie was and he told us to stop talking (even though it was about the movie) and ended up taking it out. He told us basically never mind the movie, we could just talk amoungst ourselves...the class was dead quiet for the remaining 10 minutes of class. He said "go ahead, talk. Just because you're quiet now doesn't mean I'll change my mind."

He's stubborn

posted by Katie @ 4:24 PM   0 comments
Lousy Solitaire
Return with Honor
Presented by Tom Hanks
So we've now moved on to this movie. I had already seen it in psychology but I was later told that my Psych teacher had actually "stolen" it from Carne. He hates when people "steal" things from him... like the project I did last year in AP World, apparently that was his "stolen" idea. Whatever...

But Carne had nothing to do today i guess because while the movie was playing, he was playing Solitaire on his computer. The only reason I know this is because I saw the reflection of the computer screen on one of the framed certificates hanging on the wall behind his desk. As I observed, I later realized he had at least attempted two games. I dunno if he won them.
posted by Katie @ 7:11 PM   0 comments
The Manchurian Candidate (1962) Special Edition DVD
The Manchurian Candidate (1962) Special Edition DVD
This is the movie that Carne is having us watch. Apparently, 1st period thought that the old lady in the brainwashing part was hilariious. Jannyphone and I were waiting for something totally funny to happen... but nothing did. There were a couple parts when Carne started cracking up and I couldn't figure out for the life of me why. He would kinda try to explain it but the class just laughed at his random outbursts instead.
I confused Jeff today. He was driving to work and he looked over at me and Ahley (we were outside) and I usually just smile but today I decided to wave. Well, he wasn't prepared so he just took a double-take back over his shoulder because he couldn't wave back because we was driving...
Then he called me later but I don't think he meant to because my phone only rang once. I caled him back and he didn't answer but I didn't expect him to. He was working anyway. I get the feeling though that he might see a missed call from me and call me back when he gets off or is on break or something.
posted by Katie @ 7:35 PM   0 comments
AP TEST IS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jennyphone wanted to see a movie to celebrate but nobody wanted to go OR answer their phones when I called.

I talked to Jeff on Friday night and he told me twice that he wasn't working next Sunday. We might go to the pool together or maybe a movie... which is surprising because he would never go to the movies with me last summer. I think he's matured a little.

I just got back from the pool about 15 minutes ago and I was trying to tan... so hopefully when I go to school tomorrow I'll be fried. I'm so white right now, Nate's feet are tanner than I am, I think. Plus I wanted to show off my new swim suit... it's a black two-piece with a pink flower on the right boob and the same flower again on the left side of the bottoms.

But speaking of Nate, we were all outside yesterday and I happened to have my birthday present shirt from Kaplow outside (Because I had been wearing it earlier) and Nate saw the last name and made a really bad joke out of it. Ashley thought it was hilarious... me, not so much.
posted by Katie @ 2:11 PM   0 comments
Haha, Dancing with the Stars and my Friend...
So, I just got back from seeing Mr. Newman. I had fun visiting. When I started talking about Dancing with the Stars he said, "Did you know I was on that?" He said it before I was even able to tell him about it... And he doesn't have cable!!!!!! He said that the day after it premiered, at least 5 kids from his class mentioned it. We watched the Big Foot movie together, though, I didn't really watch it, or should I say I wouldn't watch it... I've seen it way too many time. He said I should come back and see him again before the school year ended. He had to leave today to meet someone somewhere by 4 so he couldn't stay too long. I was allowed until 4:30. Maybe next time though.

After getting home, I was watching the news and they were showing the set up for the Dancing with the Stars results show and they happened to iinterview Ian and I slid off the couch I was giggling so hard... I had then realized the striking resemblance between the two. I mean, I knew that before, but now, they seem identical.

I'm currently printing all those PowerPoint's from Carne out in the outline form like he said... it uses a lot of paper.

I still need to do psych, math, and... I could work on that English history paper, but it's not due until Friday... so I'll wait.
posted by Katie @ 4:59 PM   0 comments
Can you answer these 4th Grade US History Questions?

Other than the weird trash incident this morning and the bad-red-striped shirt and Kaplow telling me about the "almost" collapse and the fact that both of their hair is gone (well, the offspring anyway), today was... yeah.

Below are 75 questions on US History that are meant for 4th graders to know. Try to answer them without looking them up and see how well you do. You'd be surprised at how many you'll prolly miss. The answer key is after the 75 questions. Have fun!

4th Grade US History Questions

Directions: Answer the questions to the best of your ability. (GP!) stands for Genius Point! And is worth 2 points instead of just one. They are also considered to be harder questions.

1. Was Christopher Columbus Born in Portugal, Italy, or Spain?
2. In what city was the Declaration of Independence signed?
3. Who was President of the US during the Civil War?
4. The Land between the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers was once known as… what?
5. Did the Industrial Revolution begin in the US of England?
6. Who was the first man to cross the Atlantic alone in an airplane?
7. Why were the people Columbus met in America Called “Indians”?
8. In the American colonies, did Loyalists oppose or support the Revolution?
9. Our country is both a republic and a democracy. True or false?
10. Say or sing or write the first five words of “America the Beautiful.”
11. What was the name of the colony that became the state of New York?
12. Who said the words “…give me liberty of give me death”?
13. What name was given to the 11 states that left the Union in 1860 and 1861?
14. What was the Mayflower?
15. Which was invented first: the computer or the typewriter?
16. Who belonged to the League of Five Nations? The Iroquois or the Sioux?
17. To pay for services, what must the government collect from its citizens?
18. Who was George Washington’s First Lady?
19. What do we call the early settlers who went west in covered wagons?
20. Who was queen of Egypt: Clementine or Cleopatra?
21. In 1860, what was the main crop grown on plantations in the South?
22. Which President bought the Louisiana TerriTORY from France?
23. What did James Watt build and patent in 1769?
24. During what war did the US drop the atom bomb on Japan?
25. Who made the first American flag?
26. During the Civil War, what city was the capital of the Confederacy?
27. The Eskimos of the Arctic call themselves Inuit. What does “Inuit” mean? (GP!)
28. What were the kings of ancient Egypt called?
29. What are the three branches of our national government?
30. What are the two main political parties in the United States?
31. Why did the pilgrims decide to have a Thanksgiving feast?
32. How many American colonies did England rule in 1775?
33. The Underground Railroad of the 1880s opened up the West. True or false?
34. In 1822, did Texas and the Southwest belong to Spain or Mexico?
35. Which came first: elevators or skyscrapers?
36. In the 1500s, Hopi villages were named “pueblos” by explorers from… where?
37. What do you call a settlement established by missionaries?
38. Which protects freedom of speech: the First, Third, or Fifth Amendment?
39. What do we call the highest court of law in our country?
40. Which is Native American bread: fry bread, short bread, or raisin bread?
41. Who were the first European settlers in Boston: the Dutch, Puritans, or Quakers?
42. What religion did Spanish missionaries try to spread among Native Americans?
43. Newspapers existed at the time of the American Revolution. True or false?
44. In which state was Abraham Lincoln born: Kentucky, Illinois, or Tennessee?
45. What former slave, whose initials are F.D., became a famous abolitionist?
46. Who won the Battle of the Alamo: The Texans or the Mexicans?
47. Who was the author of Common Sense: Thomas Paine of Thomas Jefferson? (GP!)
48. When the Erie Canal was completed in 1825, what two bodies of water were joined?
49. Sacajawea helped Lewis and Clark cross the Rocky Mountains. True or false?
50. Every ten years, the government counts all its citizens by taking… what?
51. What was the main freedom sought by Quakers and Jews who immigrated to America?
52. Which government branch includes the President and Vice President?
53. What country in Europe was ruled by Napoleon?
54. In 1981, who became the first woman justice on the Supreme Court? (GP!)
55. Which came first: electric light or neon light?
56. In what year did the American Revolution begin?
57. Beginning in the 1830s, what did the abolitionists work hard to end?
58. Was the Statue of Liberty a gift from the people of England, France, or Italy?
59. In which year was gold discovered in California: 1750, 1848, or 1910?
60. In what order were these invented: phonograph, camera, telephone? (GP!)
61. What did Native Americans call the shell money they used?
62. How many senators does each state send to the Senate?
63. How does the Pledge of Allegiance begin?
64. What’s the last year of the 20th century? (GP!)
65. In what year did Christopher Columbus first arrive in America?
66. Who said, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country”?
67. During the Civil War, who was the commander of the Union army?
68. The first railroads were built in the 18th century. True or false?
69. Name the inventor of the cotton gin.
70. What did Eskimos use to light their lamps and heat their homes?
71. What group of 12 decides whether a person on trial is guilty of innocent?
72. Who wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin? (GP!)
73. Among the Sioux, at what age did a boy hunt his first buffalo: 5, 10, or 16?
74. Which US President once walked 3 miles to return 6 cents to a customer?
75. Was the first Spanish mission in California at San Diego of San Francisco? (GP!)

Answer Key

1. Italy
2. Philadelphia
3. Abraham Lincoln
4. Northwest TerriTORY
5. England
6. Charles Lindbergh
7. Because at first it was believed that Columbus had reached the Indies in Asia
8. They opposed the Revolution. (Loyalists, aka Tories, were loyal to Britain)
9. True
10. “O beautiful for spacious skies.”
11. New Netherland (founded by Dutch settlers)
12. Patrick Henry
13. the Confederate States of America (the Confederacy)
14. the ship that brought the first Pilgrims to America
15. the typewriter (in the 19th century)
16. the Iroquois
17. taxes
18. Martha Washington
19. Pioneers
20. Cleopatra
21. Cotton
22. Thomas Jefferson, in 1803
23. a new, improved steam engine
24. WWII
25. Betsy Ross
26. Richmond, Virginia
27. the people (Genius Point!)
28. Pharaohs
29. the executive, legislative, and judicial branches
30. the Republicans and the Democrats
31. to show their gratitude for having survived their first year in America
32. 13
33. False (It was an escape route for slaves)
34. to Mexico
35. Elevators (There had to be elevators before there could be skyscrapers)
36. Spain (the Spanish word for pueblo means “town” or “village.”)
37. A mission
38. The First Amendment
39. The Supreme Court
40. Fry bread
41. the Puritans
42. the Catholic religion, or Catholicism
43. True
44. Kentucky
45. Frederick Douglas
46. the Mexicans
47. Thomas Paine (Genius Point!)
48. Lake Erie and the Atlantic Ocean
49. True (She was a member of the Shoshone)
50. a census
51. the freedom to practice their religion
52. the Executive Branch
53. France
54. Sandra Day O’Connor (Genius Point!)
55. electric light
56. 1775
57. slavery
58. France
59. 1848
60. camera (1826), telephone (1876), phonograph (1877) (Genius Point!)
61. wampum
62. two
63. “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America…”
64. 2000 (Genius Point!)
65. 1492
66. Nathan Hale
67. Ulysses S. Grant
68. False (The first railroads were built in the 19th century)
69. Eli Whitney
70. Seal of whale blubber (or oil)
71. A jury
72. Harriet Beecher Stowe (Genius Point!)
73. 10
74. Abraham Lincoln, known as “Honest Abe”
75. San Diego (Genius Point!)

82 Points Total

If you take this, post your score in my tagbox with your nickname (or something so I know that it's you)
posted by Katie @ 7:27 PM   0 comments
"I thought you had booze!"
This is my 99th post! So cool.

Anyway... That girl that says Mr Carne is not too smart. She did her practice exam reasons on a separate piece of paper when he said not to. And she thought that the SAT only took 3 hours and didn't know there was an essay involved.

When we were leaving class, there was a girl behind us as Carne walked with us out the door who had one of those big Arizona Iced Tea bottles whose plastci bottle was brown. There was still a little tea left and she when she took a drink of it, Carne I guess looked at it funny and then said, "I thought you had booze!" I didn't really catch it, I just heard what he had said but Jennyphone managed to catch all of it and she was cracking up.

Tomorrow I'm gonna go get some job applications and go to Barnes & Noble to pick up another AP US History Review book. The one I got with my text book supposedly follows the text book, but it's crappy... besides, I want one I can write in. Maybe I'll have him sign it at the end of the year! J/K

I think I might call Jeff later... just to see what he's doing this weekend. He probably has work but usually he only works for about 4 hours at a time. We had a great time last weekend when I was at the pool with him, his brother, and Ashley. Jeff and Ashley actually got along... kinda, until they started arguing about WWE Raw. I don't want Jeff to move quite yet. Give it at least another couple months, at least.
posted by Katie @ 4:40 PM   0 comments
..."pressing his body against the board..."
"Lips and Butt holes"
Yup, that's my dinner. A long *Meat tube made with intestines and lips and butt holes. Yum! I've had a lot of meat this week. :)
Carne taught us about how JFK called himself a jelly donut. He also taught us about Khrushchev wanting to go to Disneyland but Walt wouldn't let him in because he doesn't like communists. It made Khrushchev cry. Seriously. I just tried looking for the video but I can't find any. Maybe Carne will be nice and let us watch it after the AP Test if he knows where one is.
Meat made the sweetest face today in class. I almost melted. I think his puppy-dog face is more persuading than Tory's... but now that I think about it I don't recall any moments when Tory made the puppy-dog face.
Also, since Jennyphone and I have been discussing our unusual dreams lately, I had a weird one last night; I was at Disney's California Adventure (I seem to be there a lot in many of my dreams) and I was on the second story of a big warehouse building on the lot. There was a window on one side and a door on each adjacent side. There were hooks screwed into the baseboards around the entire room. All the band people were there and I was able to see them outside the window. But I wasn't the only one in the room, Carne was there too. He put me in a 5-point harness (which in my dream was called a 16-point harness but actually had about 50 points to connect to). I lied down on the black tile (or vinyl) floor on my back and he took some white rope and started to connect the points on my harness to the hooks on the baseboards. I remember being told by someone (I think it was Andrew) that once I was harnessed in, two bloodhounds were gonna be let in along with 50 puppies (also bloodhounds). So I was laying down, watching Carne criss-cross rope across the room, and I was almost all the way harnessed in. I remember thinking to myself as I lied there "Gee... I'm laying here on the floor and he's tying me up with ropes and it's just me and him." If you think it sounds kinky... you're probably thinking right... Unfortunately. Anyway, back to my dream. He was wearing a white polo shirt and dark colored shorts, like something he'd wear to school. I was suspended above the floor about a foot by the harness and everything was tied except my right arm... Carne hadn't gotten that far yet. But then the door suddenly burst open and all the baby bloodhounds started rushing in and they jumped all over me and started to lick my face... like all puppies do. Only, the thing was, I was afraid of them. I remember trying to jerk free from my harness with the puppies all over me and then it just cut to me being out of the harness and having no ropes or anything in the room. It just suddenly disappeared (you know how dreams can 'jump around too much'). The only thing that remained in the room was me, Carne, and his backpack. And then the next thing I know I have my arms wrapped tightly around his neck and I'm hugging him. Now, I don't know why but in every single dream I've ever had with him in it, I always run to him and hug him and I don't like letting go. I wanna know why that is... so, please, if you know anything about the meanings of a dream, tell me what the hugging means. So I'm standing there hugging him and he has his arms wrapped really really tight around my waist and (I know this whole thing sounds really stupid) he was holding me really close to his body...
These dreams are psycho... HELP!
And to make things worse, I bet I'm gonna have another dream tonight about something that Kaplow had told a story about earlier. About the whole "waterfall of Chewy Bars" incident and him pressing his body against the board to stop them.
posted by Katie @ 5:54 PM   0 comments
Spongebob No Pants
Now that everyone knows what was so disturbing... here's other news.

THE HITCHER CAME OUT ON DVD TODAY! I went to Wal-Mart after school today and picked up the widescreen edition and I finished watching it and all the bonus features. There are some awesome alternate scenes, especially when the Hitcher gets into Grace's motel room and starts touching her and shit... but I pretty uch think they did a good job on mixing and matching to come up with the shot that's in the movie.

When Carne was little and still living in Colorado... This was basically the start to another one of his awesome life stories that don't really go anywhere. He said that because of all the riots and stuff that were happening in the south, he didn't want to go there. He said, "I didn't wanna go to the south. I thought it was scary. I thought I was gonna be attacked by dogs." Also, something that Kaplow had pointed out, I was looking at his legs (again) and she was right! He has small ankles. Be he REALLY makes up for it with his strong calves (not like baby cows... i'm talking about the ones that are connected to your legs). It's just hard to not notice. I was looking at them a lot today.

When ever I see this commercial, I think of Luke, because he likes this commercial. I heard him talking about it and even saw him acting it out in chemistry a few weeks ago!

posted by Katie @ 6:27 PM   0 comments
Amazing LA Kings Montage

LA Kings Figurine Pack Commercial

LA Kings All-Star Promo 2008

About Me

Name: yes, I have one
Age: 19
D.O.B: 02.26
Color: I love to!
Number: 27
Current obsession: Love etc - Pet Shop Boys

I ♥ ...

Tory Paul Bellecibr> Anže Kopitar
Reggie Willits
Bear Grylls
#25 Jimmy Fishback a.k.a. Lil Animal
Seab Bean The Hitcher
Kiefer Sutherland
Dirty Jobs
Mike Rowe
Discovery Channel
Man vs Wild
Dancing with the Stars
Joey Fatone
Ian Ziering
House MD
Mountain Dew
Writing Stories
The Computer
Board Games
The Wedding of the Damned Stories
Cookie Dough
The Dark
New Additions
Jack Johnson (JMFJ)
And all the rest of the Los Angeles Kings
And hockey :)

I Don't ♥ ...

The Sun So I don't hate it...


My own car just for me, to go to more Kings games, a special man, Ricky Gervais to live in my house with me for a month (I think it'd be funny), |2()`/

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