4.24.2008 |
My Cutie Pies |
I found some more absolutely adorable pictures of Lubomir Visnovsky...
My Ladislav Nagy and Lubomir Visnovsky
 Awe, he's so cute  Nice legs, lol  So cute!
He looks so young
And this is my cutie pie goaltender Erik Ersberg in all his gear
posted by Katie @ 8:50 PM  |
4.23.2008 |
My own Visnovsky |
Lubomir Visnovsky on the far right :)
I went to the rink with Ashley and her boyfriend and his two friends last night. There were other hot hockey guys there too, maybe in their early 20's. The second I stepped out into the rink with all my gear the one hot shirtless guy yells "Kopitar's on my team!" I froze and looked at Ashley, who said I looked like I just saw a ghost. I cannot believe they wanted me to play (they called me Kopitar because I was wearing his jersey). I never did, even though they all were like "come on, throw your stick in!" but I wasn't quite prepared mentally for a scrimage game with like 8 other 20-year-old hot hockey players, lol. Ashley got hit in the face with a puck... even though technically it was only a lub. She shouldn't have been sitting in the corner of the benches like that... it was screaming 'hit me!' and she thought it was a good shot because it went over... if she watched hockey she'd understand it happens ALL THE TIME... I got the REALLY cute guys' attention though when I made a comment about my missing front tooth, yeah... they all looked at me to try to see it but unfortunately I have a fakie now, otherwise they would have thought it was cool. And Kopitastic and I agreed that one of the guys, the one in a black polo shirt and black and light gold basketball shorts with his gloves on looked like Lubomir Visnovsky. So when that guy came in to the benches for a drink I ask if anyone has ever told him he looks like Lubomir Visnovsky... he was like "is that a good thing or a bad thing?" and I was like "oh, it's definitely a good thing." and then i was discussing his play this year and was like "not that I noticed or anything," and he was smiling and laughing with me, teasing me and making me giggle "yeah, not that you noticed or anything." Haha, it was great. |
posted by Katie @ 3:46 PM  |
4.20.2008 |
I skated with Nicklas Lidstrom this morning! LOL |
Alright, so Ashley and I were planning on going to the rink around 10 this morning, but then i found out my dad was making pancakes... and I can't pass up pancakes because Kopi loves them. But then there were scrambled eggs too! So I ate really fast and then went to the rink. There was a game or practice at the Sports Park so we went to the secret hidden one that few people know about and use (if I told you were it was, I'd have to kill you). So... I took my new net and threw all my equipment in the back under the net. There was no one there for a while and Ashley actually shot a few pucks (oh! I found another one! It's green, but the glider pins are worn flat... I almost have one in every color of the rainbow now). Then Ashley points to the hill and there is a group of 3 people wearing Detroit Red Wings jerseys. A man, a lady (probably the wife or girlfriend), and a kid around my age... but he wasn't related to them. The guy had a Nicklas Lidstrom jersey and so I went over to Ashley and was like "OMG! Now I can say I've skated with Lidstrom!" I was giggling like crazy. They were better than me... but they have actually played on a league before. Besides, I was starting to get a tiny bit frustrated so it actually turned out that I was shooting extremely well (for me). Anyway, the reason I even mentioned this was because Nicklas Lidstrom has AMAZING eyes. I first saw him when Kopi went to the All Star Game. They announced his name and when they showed him coming out I was like 'wow...' and I kinda sighed... after being startled at first. Here's why...
It just seems like he's got this look like he is going to kill someone... but it's super hot.
Yep... made the Playoffs, what else is knew, right? lol, but yeah... I love his eyes
posted by Katie @ 3:54 PM  |
4.19.2008 |
Anze is amazing |
I found some amazing new pictures of Anze! Yay! I miss him... we're not even on the same continent right now... but i don't mind, he's playing hockey, it's what he loves. Anyway, the other hockey fan I've been talking to is sooo funny. He's awesome. We crack each other up. I saw Juno last night... HILARIOUS! and a little hockey is involved... a bathroom key is attached to a Mini stick (goalie stick if you want to get specific), and there is one part where a kid is wearing a Minnesota Wild jersey. If you haven't seen it yet, I suggest you go rent it... or buy it. It's buying-worthy. Here are some more pictures of Anze below, it's a bummer that they put the big ugly watermark on them though
 Awe, cute  He looks so innocent  or is he?  Haha, one of my absolute favorites  And this one is even more amazing. Either he's in street clothes and no one knows he's a pro hockey player, or he's in uniform... but he doesn't look as adorable... so here is a combination of both... absolutely amazing... i could drool over this one... He's so hot! |
posted by Katie @ 6:19 PM  |
4.16.2008 |
Got my net and a new hockey friend... another |
So I got my net on Monday. Steve delivered it first thing in the morning for me so it wouldn't get damaged. I had trouble putting it together because the PVC wasn't going in all the way, so I put cork grease on the ends to grease them up a little... it worked! It's so ridiculously big, I love it. I haven't gotten a lot of use out of it yet because I've been kept inside because of the load of homework I have this week.
Yesterday I played Dominoes on Pogo.com for two hours with the Islanders fan. He was making me laugh so much, and we decided he'd adopt me and we'd basically kidnap Rick DiPietro so we could share him. Also, he said he'd even let me take slap shots at him :) We were laughing so hard, it was great. He was on earlier but his computer is having problems and I think it crashed.
I was watching the Rangers vs. Devils game earlier with him, but now my dad put on the Capitals vs. Flyers game. I heart Ovechkin so much. And I also forgot the Jaroslav Modry, a former King, plays for the Flyers now. I haven't actually seen him yet, but I want to... I miss him. And Philly's goaltender made an adorable save... it's like he was making ice angels on the ground. |
posted by Katie @ 6:44 PM  |
4.13.2008 |
New Friend! |
I finally met up with the girl I had been talking to online. I finally figured out that I know her younger brother and she lives on the street behind me... what are the odds right? Anyway, we met up at the basketball court by our house and she's super cool. I finally have someone to be able to talk hockey with and to play hockey with. We spent almost 2 hours up there. And she has a killer slap shot. She's better at shooting while I'm a little better at skating, so put us together and we're pretty good.
I should be getting my net tomorrow so that'll be cool. I need to practice my slap shots. Also, I got new neighbors across the street. Their names are Bo and Monica. Me and my dad met them, but he wanted to shake my hand and I happened to be wearing my hockey gloves at the time so I hope I didn't gross him out too much with my probably sweaty hands. And me and Josh was to get together a street hockey team, maybe 4 on 4 with no goaltender, no full body checking, and no real rules. Then if everybody pitches in a few bucks we can get a set of practice jerseys so we can distinct teams |
posted by Katie @ 7:42 PM  |
4.11.2008 |
Socks! Socks! Hoceky Socks! |
I got my socks today! Steve delivered them while Lindsey and I were playing Pirates Life. They are my size but they are huge! I need to fatten up my thighs or get the padded shorts or something, otherwise they fall down... unless I wear the pads on my thighs too. They are so cool though. I'll take a picture of my actual socks over the weekend and post it.
Yeah, I'm outta here. Anze flew out to Slovenia on Wednesday and my mind is kinda out with him. I hope he doesn't lose teeth this time, he did last summer. And one thing I was worried about was the idea of the Playoff Beard if the Kings ever made it while Kopi was there. I just watched a video and he was asked about the Playoff Beard. He said he's got a bald beard, so he probably won't get one, which I'm extremely happy about. I just can't picture him with a beard... blah |
posted by Katie @ 6:53 PM  |
4.08.2008 |
Hockey Junk Update |
I thought I should do an update on some of my hockey gear. I just ordered the 72" (4'X6') PVC goal with the Pro-style top shelf, made by Mylec, as shown below... I should be getting it in around 2 weeks.
Another thing I just ordered is a pair of hockey socks for the new shin guards I picked up (to be talked about shortly). I could have gotten a solid-colored pair, but for the same price why shouldn't I get Los Angeles Kings colored ones. I would have preferred the white and purple away socks to go with my jersey but they didn't have my size, and they didn't have practice socks to go with my practice jersey, so I opted for their home socks. The black with the purple (not the purple with the black). They are the back pair in the picture below. The black and white ones are from when Gretzky was there...
Below are the same shin guards I got. Kopitastic bought some of her gear at Play It Again Sports so I dragged Ashley with me and we checked out their prices. The guy there, Tod(d), was super helpful and he actually knew what he was talking about. He sized me and fit me to the right pair and size and unfortunately I'm a 14 inch... and that's where the price jumps. I'm right in the bottom of the Adult sizes. If I was just one size smaller for just about everything I could fit in the Junior and prices would be lower. I also talked to him about whether he's hiring. He was real cool about it and told me just to type something up on Microsoft. So that's what I did, I just need to take it in.

They are really cozy and keep my legs warm too! It's fun to wear them in the house and slide all over the carpet. They'd be great for Mini Shini in the house :) Along with the pucks below. I picked up 3 orange ones in Utah. They are rubber but they are hollow and air-filled or cotton-filled. They still hurt though when they are wrist-shot directly at your collarbone.
Kopi leaves for Slovenia tomorrow. He has a grueling 13 hour and 35 minute flight, plus a 9 hour time jump. So if he leaves tomorrow at 2:45 pm on April 9th, he will arrive in Ljublijana around 1:15 pm the next day. I will miss him being in SoCal with me, let alone the same country or continent. |
posted by Katie @ 7:35 PM  |
4.06.2008 |
I'll Miss You Thorty!!! :( |
Yesterday was the last game of the season for the Los Angeles Kings. Every time I actually needed to pay attention someone was either standing in the way or talking really loud so I couldn't hear... or both. I found out that it was probably Scott Thornton's last game and after he was retiring. They just kept talking about how he was taking in the surroundings for the last time... talking about how it was the last time he'd be in his jersey, and going on and on. I just about started to cry every time. It was especially sad at the end when everyone was giving him handshakes and while all the Kings were doing the "Shirts Off Their Backs" thing, Thorty's wife had come down onto the ice. He was so surprised and just kept kissing her and she got his jersey. "Shirts Off Their Backs" is when after the game, lucky audience members were chosen at random and they came down to the ice and the players took off their game-worn jersey for that game, autograph it, and give it to one of the fans. I watched an interview this morning with Tom Murray and Scott Thornton and when he was asked about his emotions, Thorty started to talk, but then his eyes got watery and he kept trying to wipe away tears but he couldn't. It was so sad to see this 6'3" 220lbs hockey player crying. I'm really going to miss him. And I was just beginning to really luv him. Thinking back to the MadTV skit he was in, I wanna cry. "Sean's the fighter, me and Thorty are lovers..." (Thorty raises his eyebrows at Kostopoulos) "Not together!" Thorty corrected him. Here are some final pictures of him.
Cammy (my size! 5'9") shakes hands with Scott Thornton after his final game
Thorty awaiting his final game
Thorty made Alternate Captain, Blake made Captain, and Cammalleri and Visnovsky made Alternate Captain. Now that one of their Alternates is retired (note: Thorty only just turned 37, he's a year younger than Tory), who will get his spot? I hope possibly Kopitar or Frolov, though O'Sullivan and Brown I think could be candidates too. Jack Johnson I think needs another year or two.
I'll miss you Thorty, you had the best number ever! But now it's up for grabs, I want it (Scott Thornton #27)
posted by Katie @ 5:55 PM  |
4.03.2008 |
Falling for Jack |
I've been meaning to go to www.rbk.com and test out the customizable shoes so I finally did. Here is my Los Angeles Kings shoe I designed. I believe it is just a couple dollars over 100 so I think I could get a pair with my birthday money.

I couldn't help it :) Kopitar wouldn't fit (it was 1 letter too big) so I could have either put Anze or Kopi... you can see which one I went with.
I also "iced" the bottom, so now it actually says LA Kings in their font. I like the little NHL logo inset at the bottom, that may be my favorite part.
 Sully and Jack in the background. When I first saw this picture I thought it was Photoshopped but it is only the lines of the building in the back that make it seem so.  Ladislav Nagy! When I see Michael Johns on American Idol I immediately think of this guy. Sometimes I don't even remember Michael's name because I always call him Nagy. Bummer I didn't get to see Nagy at my game because he is injured but he did skate a little at a recent practice. I dunno how he got injured, I just know it was around Christmas time I think.  I love this picture of Scotty. Pictured left to right is Scott Thornton (Thorty #27), Rob Blake (Blakey #4), Michael Cammalleri (Cammy #13), and Lubomir Visnovsky (Lubo or Visna # 17). Cammy is my height and is actually shorter than Lubo.  I'm so proud of Anze. He has made it so far since the start of LA Kings Madness, just look at how many rounds he has won. Now he is in the final 2 and is against Luc Robitaille. I heart them both and I'll be happy no matter who wins, but you know I have to vote for Kopi all the way.  Okay, I'm getting sucked into the Jack Johnson thing. I am finding myself falling more and more for him and I dunno why. I don't know how I even really started to like him, I swear I can't remember. Though I do know what has been a big reinforcement for it... Fear Factor Live, February 24, 2008. Haha, yeah. And Giuliano too :)  #21 Brian Willsie. He was the first guy I paid attention to when I focused on my first hockey game (on TV, it's the one that my sister went to). I only saw the Will- on it and was excited that there was someone with a name close to Willits. I mean, Willits, Willsie, they are close. Anyway, here he is with his son who is currently occupying himself by sticking his fingers in his dad's mouth.  Dang Jack... I think this is right from when he was drafted. He came from Michigan... Jack is on the left, Blakey on the right, I dunno who that is in the middle.  Jack sure looks like he wants to get into that cold water... it is the middle of November 2007. |
posted by Katie @ 2:35 PM  |
4.01.2008 |
Stupid April Fools article almost made me pass out... literally |
I was watching the games that I had missed while in Utah and the one that had shown Erik Ersberg's parents (he looks just like his dad by the way) also showed that Gasper and Matjaz were at the game too (Kopitar's little brother and dad). I first looked at Gasper because he was chewing his gum like a cow, I knew he had o be related to Kopi (yeah, I say they chew gum like a cow but it's adorable... Kopitar does it when he gets really happy or excited and it appears that Gasper does it when he is bored). I had a picture that I thought was him from the morning practice and I saved it, later to confirm it was him. Kopi is 2.5 years older than me and Gasper is 2.5 years younger than me... he looks a lot older though. And watching the video footage from the game, he is really cute too. And they look a lot alike.
This is the picture of Gasper from the morning practice. He plays for the Jr. Kings. He's pretty cute
Kopi spent Friday at Redondo beach with some of the other guys helping clean up the beach. Jim Fox was there and he was so cute (for being Kermit anyway). Kopi is above shaking someone's hand wearing his "Heal the Bay" shirt that everyone got... He is soooooooooo cute. :)
And one more thing. Today is not a good day for some hockey fans. Particularly the Kings... Particularly Kopitar and Frolov. The guy that runs the LA Kings Hockey myspace page generally posts the new news articles and gameday previews so when he posted what looked like an official article, everyone flipped. Basically he said that Kopitar thinks the Kings suck and he is going back to Sweden to play for the Swedish Elite Team and even used quotes (which, by the way, sounded nothing like anything he would say). Here's the article below... and after the dozens of angry emails, including my own, he let us know "April Fools." It was a sick joke... (sorry about the giant paragraph, it's just the way it was copied) "Tuesday, April 1, 2008Kopitar To Leave Kings; Frolov Might Follow EL SEGUNDO, CA — Los Angeles Kings President/General Manager Dean Lombardi’s grand rebuilding plan suffered a major blow on Tuesday when star center Anze Kopitar announced that he will return to Europe play in the Swedish Elite League next season.It's also rumored that right wing Alexander Frolov is also considering returning to his team in Russia next season, but has not yet reached a decision.Kopitar, 20, will play for Södertälje, the team he played for before coming to the Kings.During a conference call with reporters, Kopitar explained that his frustration with the Kings’ progress has become too much for him to bear.“We’ve been way, way out of the playoffs the last two years, and Dean said rebuilding is still the focus for next year,” said Kopitar. “I don’t think I can take another year of this. It is so hard to play when you’re looking up at everyone else from the start of the season.”Kopitar has improved upon his 2006-07 numbers when he scored twenty goals and added 41 assists for 61 points. This season, Kopitar has thirty goals and 44 assists for 74 points in 79 games.“I’ve improved my play, I know,” said Kopitar. “And I know I can be even better. But the situation here is beyond discouraging and I don’t want that to mess up my mental game. That could affect my play for the rest of my career. I’m only twenty years old and in just my second year in the league.”To be sure, the Kings have not improved over last season, when they finished the year 14th in the Western Conference and 28th in the thirty-team National Hockey League with a 27-41-14 record, good for 68 points.Through 79 games this season, the Kings are dead last in the NHL with a 31-41-7 record, good for 69 points.“I can’t begin to put into words how frustrating it has been for me this season,” Kopitar lamented. “We started the season so badly—I think we only won fourteen games before January and we were out of the playoffs well before Christmas. I don’t think I can go through that for a third straight season.”Kopitar said he has been mulling over this decision for months now.“I’ve been thinking about it since January,” he explained. “I know that the NHL is where I want to be. This is where I want to be for a long, long time. But like I said, I’m only twenty years old and in just my second year in the league. I can’t afford to play in a losing atmosphere for a third year in a row. I’m afraid that it will mess up my head permanently.”Kopitar also said that he discussed his decision with his teammates.“I’ve been talking about this with Brownie, Cammy and Blakey [Dustin Brown, Michael Cammalleri and Rob Blake] over the past few months,” said Kopitar. “They all said that no one really can tell yet how things could turn out for next season, and we probably won’t get a good feel for it until training camp opens. But since I need to make a decision before that, they said that I should do what I think is best for myself.”“The guys have all been very supportive,” added Kopitar. “I know they’d rather have me play here, but they said they would support whatever decision I make and they are sticking to that. I really appreciate that.”On the bright side, Kopitar said that he could return to the Kings whenever he wants, just like other NHL players who have played in European leagues.“The contract I’m signing with Södertälje will allow me to return to the Kings whenever I want,” Kopitar explained. “If I see things headed in the right direction, I’ll definitely come back.”But on the other side of the coin, the Kings have lost their best player—maybe two of their best players who they were building their team around. This is certainly a major blow to their rebuilding efforts and will almost guarantee yet another year of floundering among the also-rans of the NHL.There has been no comment from Lombardi or any of the Kings’ players or coaches yet, but Lombardi and head coach Marc Crawford will speak with the media during a conference call this afternoon.It would seem that the one bright spot in all this is that Kopitar said that any contract he signs with Södertälje would have a clause that will allow him to return to the Kings at any time. But there is one other bright spot, and that is the fact that this news came to light on April 1."
posted by Katie @ 4:22 PM  |