3.29.2007 |
The Jungle |
The Jungle by Upton Sinclair*AP US History Book Picture of the Day* I know it's not from the AP book but I just bought it at Borders today in the mall and I wanted to show it off. I'm gonna show Carne when we go back to school. =) |
posted by Katie @ 1:26 PM  |
3.27.2007 |
Creepy Dreams |
I had this really creepy dream last night. It's been haunting me ever since (even though it's only been maybe 7 or 8 hours). Kaplow, a disclaimer for you before you continue to read: I DID NOT ENJOY IT! So this is what I remember...
I was back in 3rd period AP US with Sarah (the "Bulldozer" wasn't there) and we were waiting outside for the teacher. He doesn't show up so the security comes and lets us in and all of a sudden his classroom is at the end of the hall (closest to the gate and office) and it's a really big computer lab (well, bigger than normal anyway). So Sarah and I sit in the back row along the wall opposite the door (the room was the opposite shape than normal... kinda... it's hard to explain, but just go along with me here). I take my iPod outta my ears and shove it in my backpack along with my sweatshirt. Then the teacher comes in. Now, let me divert from the story a little. Kaplow, remember that hideous red and white striped shirt he has? Well, I'm gonna make a reference to it in a minute. Back to the story. So the teacher comes in and he has our STAR Testing stuff for us. But it is actually an ICE for HIS class. Anywho, he goes around passing them out and Sarah and I are just talking and not really paying attention to the teacher. The he calls Sarah to go talk to him and I look up to see if I can hear what he's saying when I notice what he is wearing. Here's were the reference to the shirt comes in. He was wearing only a pair of boxers that looked exactly like that shirt! I felt bad for Sarah... I dunno why though. So she comes back and sits down again and I start talking notes on the DBQ/ICE thing he gave us. Then he goes around and starts writing things on peoples papers. He put an 8 on mine in blue ink. I looked at him asked asked what it was for. He said something but you know how in dreams people talk and you understand but you can't hear anything? Well, that's what happened. He tries to take my paper and collect it with everyone elses but no one has really even started. So I bribed him to let me keep mine and he let us keep the DBQ/ICE thing for another minute or two and then wrote a 10 on mine. Then he collected them and that's all I can remember.
Him in boxers... there is no word to describe it, only a sound. But I don't know how to spell that sound. It's somewhere between yuck, eww, gross, bur (like when you're cold) and a shiver. It's quite disturbing. I still twitch thinking about it.
Wow, that explanation of that dream was long. Point is, if you didn't read the whole thing, Carne was in candy-cane striped boxers in the computer lab... And I got an 18/20 on my DBQ (according to what he wrote). Creepy. |
posted by Katie @ 11:49 AM  |
3.25.2007 |
Clip from the best movie ever: THE HITCHER |
posted by Katie @ 6:20 PM  |
3.23.2007 |
The World is a RAINBOW! and i miss carne... ALREADY! |
Hoover on No-Speaking-Terms with FDR*AP US History Book Picture of the Day* The only reason I picked this picture for the day was because it was on that video that I got to watch today in Carne's class.
Still no Canadian gift for Kaplow. I saw Steve the UPS Guy today and he didn't have anything for me today. But he bleached his hair... he does it every year near spring/summer.
I wore my Luke Carnesecca shirt today... the one Kaplow made me for my birthday... But I wore an Angels jersey over it... it was still see-through though.
Yesterday, Ashley and I were bored so after it rained, we took a bunch of pictures, including the awesome double rainbow. The one on the bottom was so big, I couldn't get it all in one shot. It was a full and complete rainbow! So I have those pictures below.
I already miss Carne... I don't really wanna go on break, but then again I do. I just don't like not being able to see Carne for two weeks. It's gonna bother me. But when we get back he'll hopefully be sling-free. I think he might have a doctors appointment today (after school of course) because he mentioned something about wanting to not wear the darn thing after today.
Pictures are below... including the rainbow...
It looks like some tropical island sunset... it's actually my neighbors small palm tree looking up at the sky from underneath. Cool though, huh!
Our mailbox. I'm number 7... Seriously!
Neat, once again. Zoomed in on the trees behind the people's house at the very top of the street. The top of their house it barely cut out of frame.
Most of the rainbow. Can you see the double one about 3/4 of an inch above the full one? It was awesome how bright it was. None of it is photoshoped. Ashley has pictures like this too on her camera. |
posted by Katie @ 3:48 PM  |
3.19.2007 |
Cancer-Causing-Coke w/Lime (DIET) |
Storming the Beaches of Normandy *AP US History Book Picture of the Day*
Frances Perkins at the Site of the Golden Gate Bridge Project (SAN FRANCISCO!) *AP US History Book Picture of the Day*
So there are 2 pics of the day because i haven't posted in a long time. Hmm... let's see, Carne made a snorting sound today in class because Sven asked if AAA (Agriculture) was the same as the REAL AAA (car insurance). Carne was laughing hysterically, he claimed it was because Sven said "REAL AAA" and Carne was like "The REAL one? What could the other be fake!?" He cracked himself up mostly.Kaplow made me self-conscious about my laugh now, becasue she said that I laugh like Carne... I don't understand it.I bought a 12 pack of Diet Coke with Lime... GROSS! It tastes pretty nasty but I found them addictive, but I didn't NEARLY drink as much as Carne does. Kaplow called the Coca-Cola company today at lunch and asked if it had any addictive ingredients in it... They said no. But the sugar substitute in sodas do cause cancer. I need to get Carne to stop drinking the damn things, I don't want him do die!And BTW, ^^^This guy should ^SOOOO^ not be sitting like that^^^ |
posted by Katie @ 4:24 PM  |
3.13.2007 |
What's so funny about Flappers? |
Japanese Aggression in Manchuria
*AP US History Book Picture of the Day*
So, it's been a while, I know. But I had the SAT on saturday, then I went to the mall, and the next day I spent playing with my M 16... only it's an M 16 airsoft gun. I have a pistol too. Carne finds Flappers hilarious, the sub left our class to go to his car today in spanish, oh, and I had a test in AP US today. But at least I finished... early! OH OH OH OH OH! And Ian Ziering in gonna be on Dancing with the Stars season 2!
First, the SAT. It took 5 hours, and only two five minute breaks in between. There was a guy there that looked EXACTLY like Ian Ziering... I thought that was ironic. But I felt a whole lot more comfortable when I was taking the SAT because the classroom I was in happened to be an AP US History class... There was still stuff written on the board from the day before, they're on Ch 33 and a DBQ is due for them. ADDITIONALLY, the test administrator set a Pearls book under MY desk the whole time (to mark the beginning of a new package of bookloets and answer documents) so I felt a little security there because of the messy, yet slightly recognizable room conditions, plus it reminded me of Carne which made me feel better. AND ONLY ONE WING OFF FROM CHICKEN'S CLASS!
Yesterday, Carne was going over some terms and the charts we were to have finished and "Flappers" was one of the words he asked. Sven asked if they were like back-in-the-day prostitutes and for some reason, Carne started CRACKING UP! No one was quite sure why but we kinda laughed along too. Then, Carne was able to find his words and say "I'm just picturing all you're great-great grandmothers... as prostitutes." Everyone was grossed out. And what was worse, he continued to laugh and giggle about it until the end of class! I mean, this was almost as funny as Carne pretending to be the Wal-Mart greeter with a walker. Now I'm slightly curious if maybe he has some creepy and secret obsession with really really old prositutes. Maybe he needs some counseling. Kaplow could be possibly slightly by chance good kinda for that... maybe.
Next Monday starts the beginning another season of Dancing with the Stars. I never watched it before, but now I am interested because not only is Joey (yeah, from N'Sync) on it, but so is Billy Ray Cyrus (Hannah Montana's dad) and... IAN ZIERING! My uncle met him and says he's kinda a jerk but who cares, he's still kinda cute. So I'm excited for that. Ian was on the old show Beverly Hills, 90210.
 ^^Joey^^ ^^Billy Ray Cyrus (Hannah Montana's Dad)^^ 
^^IAN ZIERING^^ Hmm, Kaplow? Does he resemble anybody to you? |
posted by Katie @ 7:46 PM  |
3.07.2007 |
Boring Week |
Henry Ford and his First Car*AP US History Book Picture of the Day* So yeah, everyone usually ends with that, but I feel like starting with it. I just finished the Ch. 31 Concepts. And my mom made me, her, and my sister go get our eyebrows waxed. I'm tired. This pic isn't very interesting but it looked entertaining for me. Oh, and Kelly is gonna be hypnotized tomorrow. I wanna see that, althought I slightly wish it was me that was gonna be hypnotized. One other thing, when we were getting in line at the drive-thru for Taco Bell, I saw this guy walking across the parking lot to the eye place and I screamed "Oh my God! It's Mr. Beach!" and then I realized that it wasn't... but it looked like him. And Carne was wearing THIS color shirt today, but I like THESE COLORS better on him. |
posted by Katie @ 5:26 PM  |
3.06.2007 |
Just for Kaplow |
KKK*AP US History Book Picture of the Day* I saw this one while I was doing my Ch 31 terms. Kaplow, I was doing the TERMS... not Carne. And I talked to Beach today about being his TA for next year, instead of early release, because Jennifer pointed out that Early release, late arrival, and no CP classes could jepordize getting into colloege. Bummer for Kaplow, no trip to the airport, SAT day! So, yeah. and maybe I'll post again later since Kaplow prolly wouln't read the second post about SOMEONE that I saw about 6 times today, and the 6th time was a surprise. |
posted by Katie @ 4:12 PM  |
3.03.2007 |
Remember Mr. Bob from Friday? |
Honestly, this is so awesome. And Kaplow, remeber that I am in Carne's 5th period. Tell me if this sounds sooooooooo true. It is a blog from "Mr. Bob" after he subbed for us.
3.2.07 friday night temecula, ca
MORE BRIEFNESS. TODAY COULD’VE BEEN A BRUTAL DAY. I ENDED UP getting about 3—yes, 3—hours of sleep last night. Not good when you’re walking into a classroom full of high school students eager to cruise through a no-work Friday.
But it all worked out. I got jacked up on 2 cups of coffee this morning. And the kids were cool all day long. I got into a number of interesting conversations with several kids. And by the end of the day, my 5th period class coaxed me into telling them stories about my crazy life.
Yeah, I knew it was a cheap ploy to get out of doing their assignment. But they convinced me their teacher wasn’t gonna collect the work anyway.
I hope they got something out of it.
It was the same social science (i.e., history) class I taught for 2 days a couple weeks ago. So a number of them said they found my website. Several more said they were GONNA track it down. I told them I wasn’t gonna give them the URL, seeing as how there’s material on here that some parents might find objectionable.
But I can’t exactly stop them from Googling my name, now can I?
So if you’re one of those kids who was in one of my classes at You Know Where High School, thanks for being so eager to hear my stories. Now go do your homework.
And when you get done with your homework here’s a few stories you might wanna check out from the Mr. Bob archives. These are 5 of my favorite entries from the last few years that will give you a better idea of who that freak substitute teacher was today.
1. Me and Ernie. The story of the kid I began mentoring nearly 20 years ago. 2. Flying to Buffalo. A tale of Craigslisting my way to a ride in a stranger’s plane. 3. My rock ‘n roll debut. The night I joined my friend Phil’s band onstage in San Francisco. 4. Midwestern Hospitality. The story of the day I got a flat tire on the drive to Chicago—which led to a trio of strangers pulling over, fixing my flat for me and inviting me back to their house to barbecue steak. 5. Grace. The story of the guitar-playing, motorcycle-riding milk maid I spent the summer of ’05 with on an island in Canada. 6. Violated. My car gets broken into in Boston. A whole bunch of my stuff gets ripped off. I’m crushed. 7. Gratitude. Not more than a day or 2 later, a stranger in Tennessee sends me $500 to get my car fixed.
If any of you regulars would like to submit your favorite Vagabond Bob story, feel free to pitch in. (I’m trying to build up my readership here, people. Help me out.)
Okay. Tamale’s almost here. We’re getting a motel tonight in Carlsbad, then going to her friend’s wedding tomorrow.
Good times.
Link: http://www.thegreatestyearofmylife.com/frameset.asp |
posted by Katie @ 12:39 PM  |
My "BLOO" kite |
American and Soviet Soldier*AP US History Book Picture of the Day*
Since it is super windy today, Alex and I wanted to fly a kite. But the problem was... we had no kite. So Alex gave me a 5 and I took a 20 and I drove myself to Wal-Mart. Alex wanted a Spiderman one so I got him that one. I didn't knwo which on I wanted so I looked down and there was a kite laying face-down in its package on the ground. I picked it up and looked at it. I got so excited when i saw that it was this kite. It was the only one so I held onto it and gabbed a Spiderman one for Alex and then moved on to the fishing line aisle. Were I live, the boys LOVE to fly their kites with 50 lb fishing line because you get a lot of it and it's a lot stronger. So I bought a box of 3 spools of 40 lb fishing line which was 340 yds on each spool. But when I got home, I was too afraid of losing my kite in the extremely strong wind, that I just put it away. But I did fly it for a little while.
You still don't know what kind of kite I got though, do you...? Well, it's super awesome and there's a picture below.
^^They even put Mac on the packaging.^^ ^^Bloo can fly!!!!!!!^^
Labels: bloo, fosters, kite, wal-mart |
posted by Katie @ 12:22 PM  |
3.01.2007 |
KISSES... for carne? |
I'm not quite sure why I picked this... It reminded me of a certain someone *AP US History Book Picture of the Day*
Marcello wasn't here today... so I am going to finish our powerpoint tonight... just in case he forgets tomorrow. He's smart and super sweet so I don't think he'll forget. And I KNOW he doesn't realize how cute he is.
I saw Beach in the office this morning. I was gonna talk to him, but he was signing some papers and I didn't want to disturb him. I'm glad his knee is doing better. He hasn't been limping lately.
Carne's class was somewhat interesting today. We were all talking and he said we were all a bunch of monkeys, our mouths were always moving. Then someone got mad and was like "first we're CAMPERS, then we're CRITTERS, and now we're monkeys!?" and the Carne started laughing and said "It's a big zoo!"
Later in class, some kid bumped the picture on the back wall and I guess it fell off the hook and some girl was yelling "CARNE! CARNE! CARNE!" trying to get his attention. When he finally looked, he saw the kid trying to hang the picture back up on the wall and yelled "BROWN!!!" (I think that's the kids' last name) but he wasn't really mad at him.
After class, Kaplow came to me and was like "you have to see the broken window!" so I was like "... okay..." and then when I saw the window I noticed it was tempered glass. Meaning that when it cracked, it spider-webbed out everywhere. When it's tempered, you can actually pluck out ht little individual pieces of glass and not have the entire window collapse.
THEN, Kaplow asked me if I would kiss him. I'm like, "kiss who?" and she did this weird eye thing like she didn't want to say his name but then said "carne." I wanted to know where she wanted to know if I would kiss him but she was avoiding the question. She just automatically assumed I wanted to. To tell you the truth, I WOULD kiss him... On the cheek? Sure. On the mouth? Why not? Make-out with him? HELL NO! I care about him as a friend... even though Kaplow doesn't understand that I would kiss him 'as a friend.' The guy's a goober and I love him to death, but would I want to marry him? No. Would I date him? No.
I was thinking about something today that had to do with him and ever since I first heard SOMEONE talking about it, I can't seem to get it out of my head and every time I think about it I giggle to myself because, well, never mind that.
posted by Katie @ 3:53 PM  |