2.28.2008 |
Crowded Rinks, Angels socks, and stoner kids (all while getting to see the most adorable goaltender ever!) |
I kinda talked Ashley into going to the hockey rink to skate around for a while. When we got there, there was a lady on hockey skates with her three boys and the the second to the youngest was fully dressed in the goaltender attire and was in front of a little goal. It was sooooo cute. And there was also another boy, maybe a freshman in college, wearing a shirt that said 'Michigan Hockey,' that was in roller hockey pants and the other pair of skates I almost got. Later, his friend came and was fully dressed in goaltender attire with his own personalized (club) jersey and pads. Later, my cousin Chris showed up to give me a post-christmas and belated birthday present... the Angels socks that I wanted that he gave me dad and uncle for christmas. He aslo told me I would be the first to get the Angels slippers once they were in. Anyway, I gave him my spare stick and we slapped around the two pucks I brought for a half hour until I had to leave. It was starting to get dark out and the lights were on in the rink and it reminded me of night time band practices with the stadium lights on... oh yeah, there were stoner skateboarding kids there and I was hitting the boards with the puck so hard that when they walked by on the outside of the boards, one kid jumped out of his skin and ducked. It was funny.
Frolov shoving the blade of his stick up Armstrong's practice jersey. Frolov absolutely loves attention, and it's adorable... he's like a child!
Wow, Jeff Giuliano and Jack Johnson... wow, that's all I can really say. Everytime if happen to think of you, it's this picture :) And knowing Anze is still bigger! And Giuliano os only 5'9" and 200-something lbs.
Damn! Hottest goaltender I've ever seen... Dan Cloutier, and I got to see him in person :) I have personal pictures
I got this picture of Kopi on an iPod skin. Ashley got it for me for my birthday and it's totally awesome!
What did I say about the attention?... I just can't get over how adorable he is though. I really tried to get a picture of him at the game but he was moving around too much. I hope his groin injury gets better... I don't want him to have surgery after the season! :(
posted by Katie @ 8:05 PM  |
2.26.2008 |
Neon 'Kopi-ing" and Kings in tight spanex shorts! |
Kaplow brought my gift today... and I had to explain it to almost my entire 1st period class. "I Kopi With Anze" wow... and it's purple! and Neon! yay!
lakings.com posted some of their Tip-a-King pictures today in the "Best of Tip A King" album. I found these two pictures following and I cracked up. Hopefully more will be posted soon! I wanna see Kopi!
You can see Jack Johnson (tallest one, 3rd guy from the left) up on stage doing one of the Fear Factor Live stunts at Universal Studios Hollywood. I wish I could have been there to see it. Also, Jack is about 2-3 inches shorter than Kopi and 19 lbs less, there's a reference to his size... One last thing... they're all in spandex and harnesses... lol... I LOVE IT! Haha (if you get why)
I have never seen Raitis so happy like this before! I thought it was adorable. I think it's Dan Cloutier there with him. He looks short compared to Ivanans, and Dan is 6'1" and 195 lbs. I would be tiny next to Raitis Ivanans!!! Damn, Dan Clouiter is cute! He has a 'Tory' smile here :) And to think I saw him in person and got some pictures!!! SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted by Katie @ 4:34 PM  |
2.25.2008 |
Glowing jerseys and Raitis looking amazing!!! |
I went to Sport Chalet with my dad this weekend to pick up a Kings practice jersey. They didn't have my size at the Team LA Store. I got the black one (note there are white, grey, and purpley ones too) and I finally figured out why in the following picture Anze's jersey was glowing. I thought I was some weird neon photoshopping but the grey stripes along the arms are actually reflective strips. I understand...
Looks kinda cool! I wanna play hide-and-seek in the dark now wearing this jersey. The one he is wearing abpove is the exact same one I have.
I thought this picture was cute. I haven't shared it yet... it's Raitis Ivanans when he played for (and please excuse and mis-spelled words) Montreal Canadiens (not Canadians)
Okay, tell me he is not hot. Sidney Crosby, Captain for the Pittsburg Penguins and totally drool-worthy. One of my hockey friends named her Siberian Husky puppy after him.
Oh my gosh... Kaplow's Alexander 'Apple' Frolov loves attention. Can't you tell from these Kings practices? The girl who took this picture is a great photographer if you've seen any of her other pictures of the team
Haha, Frolov cracks me up. He is sooooo cute. And I think I totally saw and ate in the same restaurant as his almost-twin brother!!!
Okay, I just found this picture of Raitis Ivanans today. He actually doesn't have an evil look on his face (okay, well maybe it looks a little suspicious, but I think it is my most favorite picture of Raitis I have). I love the look he's giving. Very um... yeah ;)
posted by Katie @ 7:21 PM  |
2.22.2008 |
I went to the Kings Game!!! We won!!!!!! |
I went to the Kings and Blues game last night and didn't get home until after midnight. Surprisingly I wasn't really tired at all at school today, but I am sick and that kinda made me a little lethargic. Anyway, back to the game
When I first saw Kopi come out onto the ice, I was so excited. I was extremely quiet at first and then I called Ashley and the more I saw Kopi and the closer he came I started to cry, I was sooooooooo happy to get to see him in person. He is adorable in pictures but he's even more amazing in real life... and he's huge! I mean, I knew he was big but actually seeing him right there in front of me (especially when he came to the boards in front of us) was absolutely amazing. Ivanans was big too, especially next to Dallman, it makes Dallman look like a child... and Dallman is 5'11" and 195 lbs. Thornton got in a fight, which was really cool too see, and Ivanans looked completely evil (but in a hot way) when he was jabbing his stick into the others guys' gut. He's so hot though, even without his front tooth. The guy at the end of our row proposed to his wife on the Jumbo-Tron and Frolov got a hat trick. I also correctly predicted the Kings first goal... Second period and I kept saying 'Kopi's gonna get a goal! Kopi's gonna get a goal!' and a few second after that, Anze tipped it in. I screamed I was sooooo happy. He did a really cute liittle victory dance thing too on his skates. Anyway, that's just some of the stuff that happened. I have some select pictures posted below.
Anze Kopitar taking the face-off
 Lubomir Visnovsky!!! Sooo cute in person
Handzus taking the face-off, also very big
I wanted my dad to take this. He was like "all you're going to see is his butt," and I said, "so?"
He might be chewing a little on his mouthguard. It gave me the chills whenever he looked at me through the glass. I could feel like that forever... *sigh*
Brad Stuart (#6) and Kopi fighting for the puck
Ivanans... this was near the time when I noticed the size difference between him and Kevin Dallman
I was in a hurry to take this, I needed to be prepared for a check right here... prepared because they hit HARD
Dan Cloutier, amazing goaltender and pretty cute
Giuliano, this isn't that bad of a picture considering he was skating by
Visnovsky with Ivanans talking to the referee
Ivanans in practice taking shots on goal
I like the mob of Kings in the back :)
St. Louis Goaltender Manny Legace... he played in the All-Star Game!!!
Giuliano, Army, and Kopi
 Preissing and Kopitar
Ivanans stretching in the background
Kopitar down on the ice... he was stretching but I think here he is talking to someone on the bench
Stretch dude!

Trees near the Staples Center
Yay! Finally there! We kept going in circles
First time seeing the ice!
View from my seat...
You can see me sitting way down there in my Kopitar jersey
posted by Katie @ 3:49 PM  |
2.20.2008 |
Modry traded |
I was upset to hear that the Los Angeles Kings' Jaroslav Modry was traded to the Philadelphia Flyers on Tuesdays for a 3rd round 2008 Draft pick. I was really bummed and couldn't understand why they wouldn't keep him at least until tomorrow... :( But I'm glad the rest of the guys (esp. Kopi) are feeling alright. I myself feel like I might be starting to get something because I woke up and the right side of my throat hurt. I thought it would go away later (sometimes my retainer does that to me) but it never did. It didn't get worse though. I dunno, maybe it's because of the drastic weather changes here and what feels like the constant rain. Gr...
posted by Katie @ 3:54 PM  |
2.18.2008 |
New skates! |
So for my birthday, I could either have gotten a game-used Kopitar stick or nice hockey skates. I was stressing over it for a while, but I knew my chances of a stick weren't the highest. Plus they are super expensive and there isn't even a guarantee that they even have one from Kopitar. So I opted for the skates, I'll get more use out of them and they resembles Anze's roller hockey skates, only mine are CCM brand and his are Nike Bauer. I took some pics of them below. They are going to take some time to get used to, especially with the standard High-low wheels, but for $109 they are really nice.
 On my feet
My new skates, the box, and my stick
Here you can see the high-low wheels... 80 mm in the back, two 76mm in the middle, and a 72mm in the front. It's supposed to help keep you from falling backwards and keeps you on your toes!

Old skates (technically my dad's) without the laces. Mine came with the black ones but I switched them out for the old white ones.
Nice aluminum wheel chassee, makes them a whole lot lighter

My skates vs. Kopi's. They are similar (that's why I liked them) but not the same. Another note (for my Kopi)... I hope you get well really soon. I don't want you to be sick. If you miss tonight's game in order to get better, please do. I don't want you out for Thursday. Please, please, please, please get well very soon. All us Kings fans are hoping you (and the rest of the guys) battle through this quickly. I don't wanna miss you on Thursday. |
posted by Katie @ 5:57 PM  |
2.16.2008 |
Kings and Flames review |
Kings played Clagary Flames last night. It was a really good game and the Kings won it 6-2. Kings scored, then Clagary, and Kings came back, but them Calgary came back! Until Kings came back again. Kings were winning 3-2 at the end of the first. Then in the second, the Kings scred 3 more goals, Kopi scored the 6th one. Calgary got two penalties dealing with Anze. The first one scared me so bad. The guy was called for high-sticking. He smacked Anze right in the mouth really hard with his hockey stick. Anze went down on his knees on the ice and was holding his mouth and it looked like his eyes were watering. It looked extrememly painful, but the first thing I thought was "does he still have all his teeth?" because he is one of the few that have all of his teeth still and don't need to wear flippers. I know what that's like. But he was okay. He wears his mouthguard so that's was saved his ass. (I'm so glad he wears it, mouth guards aren't mandatory I don't think. He also has the partial eye shield on his helmet, which isn't required either but it definitely saves him)

Army, Kopi, and La Barbera (I heart you, La Barbera! You're the best goalie ever!)
posted by Katie @ 4:27 PM  |
2.15.2008 |
New Pics of Kopi |
I was searching deep on Google and found a bunch more pictures of Kopi. I havea few below, and it's kinda funny because they were from some sort of playboy affiliate site. None of he pictures are like that though. I just think it was funny he was on there.

Haha, he's holding a sandwich, well, so are some of the other guys.
And another thing, Army has an "A" patch on his jersey now. I'm confused and my battery is gonna die, but Kopi made a goal and almost lost a tooth |
posted by Katie @ 9:27 PM  |