I went to the Kings and Blues game last night and didn't get home until after midnight. Surprisingly I wasn't really tired at all at school today, but I am sick and that kinda made me a little lethargic. Anyway, back to the game
When I first saw Kopi come out onto the ice, I was so excited. I was extremely quiet at first and then I called Ashley and the more I saw Kopi and the closer he came I started to cry, I was sooooooooo happy to get to see him in person. He is adorable in pictures but he's even more amazing in real life... and he's huge! I mean, I knew he was big but actually seeing him right there in front of me (especially when he came to the boards in front of us) was absolutely amazing. Ivanans was big too, especially next to Dallman, it makes Dallman look like a child... and Dallman is 5'11" and 195 lbs. Thornton got in a fight, which was really cool too see, and Ivanans looked completely evil (but in a hot way) when he was jabbing his stick into the others guys' gut. He's so hot though, even without his front tooth. The guy at the end of our row proposed to his wife on the Jumbo-Tron and Frolov got a hat trick. I also correctly predicted the Kings first goal... Second period and I kept saying 'Kopi's gonna get a goal! Kopi's gonna get a goal!' and a few second after that, Anze tipped it in. I screamed I was sooooo happy. He did a really cute liittle victory dance thing too on his skates. Anyway, that's just some of the stuff that happened. I have some select pictures posted below.
Anze Kopitar taking the face-off
 Lubomir Visnovsky!!! Sooo cute in person
Handzus taking the face-off, also very big
I wanted my dad to take this. He was like "all you're going to see is his butt," and I said, "so?"
He might be chewing a little on his mouthguard. It gave me the chills whenever he looked at me through the glass. I could feel like that forever... *sigh*
Brad Stuart (#6) and Kopi fighting for the puck
Ivanans... this was near the time when I noticed the size difference between him and Kevin Dallman
I was in a hurry to take this, I needed to be prepared for a check right here... prepared because they hit HARD
Dan Cloutier, amazing goaltender and pretty cute
Giuliano, this isn't that bad of a picture considering he was skating by
Visnovsky with Ivanans talking to the referee
Ivanans in practice taking shots on goal
I like the mob of Kings in the back :)
St. Louis Goaltender Manny Legace... he played in the All-Star Game!!!
Giuliano, Army, and Kopi
 Preissing and Kopitar
Ivanans stretching in the background
Kopitar down on the ice... he was stretching but I think here he is talking to someone on the bench
Stretch dude!

Trees near the Staples Center
Yay! Finally there! We kept going in circles
First time seeing the ice!
View from my seat...
You can see me sitting way down there in my Kopitar jersey