4.30.2007 |
Can you say... disturbia? |
I found something extremely disturbing today. It's so disturbing, I can't post the pic... and it's a pic of tory... It made me lose my appetite. Honestly, I don't know what to say. And did I mention it made me lose my appetite? Oh yeah, I already said that. And of course tonight is the night when I get meatballs too. I can't believe it.
And sorry Kaplow for your present, cake, and balloons getting locked inside Carne's class. |
posted by Katie @ 5:47 PM  |
4.26.2007 |
"I'm losing you katie!!!!!!!! " - Green Beans (AKA Andrew) |
I am going to be taking some subject tests soon! How fun! I'm taking Chemistry and Math 2. I might take a third at the beginning of next year.
Andrew left me a comment today. Give me ideas if you can think of any...
This is what he said:
"Apr 25, 2007 7:39 PM This is what happens when we see each other: "HI" or *glance at each other* I think we should go do something... like... I don't know, something. ww I'm losing you katie!!!!!!!! Hahahaha seriously though... "
Any ideas of something we could do? |
posted by Katie @ 5:13 PM  |
4.24.2007 |
Recap from DRIVE |
Last night's episode of Drive was amazing. Here's a recap, "homes..."
Here is a key for the characters...
 ^Winston Salazar^
 ^Sean Salazar^ (and his half brother Winston!)
 ^Alex Tulley^
Recap Alex grabs the race phone, the address, “455 Broad Street, Sweetwater, Georgia,” appears. The other racer’s phones ring shortly after. Their text message reads, “Surrender, America.” Winston looks at Alex, his eyes are scheming. Sean asks why Winston hasn’t spoken to him since he was set free from the bounty hunter. Winston knows Sean called his father to help free him and angrily replies, “I’d rather die in prison, than owe that achepe a single thing.” 100 miles outside Sweetwater, Alex and Corinna pull to a stop to confront the driver of the gold Impala that has been tailing them since the drive-in. Winston pulls up next to Alex at a red light. Winston jokes with Alex about following him and Sean wants to turn back now that they’re busted. Winston makes a deal with them. They tag along with Alex and Corinna now, and they’ll return the favor later. And in the end, they split the thirty-two million dollar winnings. Alex agrees and punches the gas pedal. The Challenger roars in reverse while the Impala shoots forward. Alex spins the car around and loses Winston and Sean.
As Alex and Corinna race away, Corinna jokes to Alex that she almost chose Winston as a partner and that he was in prison for armed robbery. Alex walks out of the bank and refuses to rob it, but Corinna argues that they can do this and sling ahead of the other racers. Corinna is confident they can get the box because Alex has experience. Alex defends that he was only the wheelman and that you can’t rob a bank with two people. Corinna “So you’re saying, if we find two more people who say, did have experience in armed robbery, we could pull this off…”
Winston races down the highway, Sean is furious that Winston keeps treating him without any respect and that it was stupid to try and follow the Challenger. As they argue, the Challenger rolls up next to Winston. Corinna rolls down the window and asks if they’re in the mood for a little bank robbery.
Winston wants to be aggressive getting in and out of the bank. Alex thinks doing the robbery in broad daylight is risky and could call attention from the law. Alex and Winston argue the points of breaking in. Sean blurts out, “Appomattox.” He figured out the clue and knows everyone else is headed to the courthouse in Appomattox, where General Lee surrendered to General Grant. Sean then tells them that the password to the bank’s new high-tech vault is probably on the manager’s computer. All they have to do is crack that and they’re in. Later that night, Alex watches Sean, Winston and Corinna run into the bank while he plays the part of wheelman. Winston jimmies the lock and disables the alarm. Sean works on the manager’s computer, looking for the password. Corinna cracks open the desk and grabs the vault keys.
Alex waits outside, nervous. He sees Kathryn in the rearview, who tells him it’s okay he’s doing this now because he’s doing it for her. Alex looks back and sees a security vehicle pull up. An officer exits and heads towards the bank, looking in the windows of other offices.
Sean barks out the code and Corinna quickly types it in. Winston and Corinna grab the box and run out of the vault. Sean turns to leave when the security guard knocks him out. The guard raises his gun and Corinna and Winston try to negotiate. The guard cocks the hammer of the gun when Alex grabs him from behind. The guard throws Alex to the ground and pounces on Winston. Suddenly, there’s a gunshot. The guard topples and Sean sits, pointing his father’s gun at the guard. The four of them hurry out of the bank.
Winston and Sean slide into the back of the Challenger, Winston tells Sean he did the right thing, but Sean begins to lose it. Sean has been shot and is bleeding from the stomach. Alex races away from the bank. Corinna tries to keep pressure on Sean’s wound. Winston races the Impala behind the Challenger waiting for Alex’s move. Alex swings off the highway into a motel and kicks Corinna out of the car with the safe deposit box. He tells Corinna and Winston to get a room and to not open the box until they get back. Winston shouts, “Back from where, man?” Alex looks him in the eye, “Your brother’s last chance…”
posted by Katie @ 4:04 PM  |
4.23.2007 |
Lord Farquaad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |

= Harry S Truman... (the S is his middle name, not an initial) That's all I have to say... |
posted by Katie @ 6:54 PM  |
4.22.2007 |
Kaplow's Present is Ready for Departure |
* Kaplow's Birthday Present*
I had some difficulty trying to get the whole thing to fit in the bag nicely, but I managed. Though the ribbon at the ends of one of the items inside I had A LOT of difficulty with. I couldn't get the stupid things to curl when I was using the scissors!
This would be the pile of all my failed attempts to get the damn thing to curl. Pretty pathetic, since usually I'm kinda good at it.
So Kaplow, when would you like it? I can't wait until you see it! And I added something else as I was wrapping it, so if you already have something like it, now you will have two.
And this guy is amazing... But not as amazing as TORY BELLECI.
Winston Salazar 
posted by Katie @ 6:15 PM  |
4.18.2007 |
"... so I covered up my knee..." |
So I got this in the mail today... Georgetown wants me to go to their school to take some fun PRE-pre-med classes there over summer. I think it's the third one I've gotten... but they are WAY expensive. $2,000 for a 10-day camp? Ridiculous.
Carne told us a hilarious story about his trip to Russia when he was a kid. Levi's with a hole in the knee... covering them up with his hand to keep the NOT old men from seeing it. Funny funny. Carne's a funny guy.
I saw the UPS Guy today.
Clyde left DWTS last night.
New Mythbusters on tonight.
TOMORROW OS THURSDAY! which means almost Friday, which means almost weekend.
And poor Luke and his gay trip to Disneyland. I hope his dad wasn't there too. That'd be a little weird... well, weirder than the story already was.
posted by Katie @ 5:16 PM  |
4.17.2007 |
"What did they do? Order out for groceries?" -- Mr. C. |
So today is SEAN BEAN's birthday! YAY! He's 48... same age as my mom... and Carne.
Anyway, I had a lot to do today. Not celebrate Sean Bean's birthday, start Ch 39 concepts (which I didn't do), blog for Kaplow, Spanish homework, math quiz, oral surgeon appointment, trip to Rancho Physical Therapy, etc. I am scheduled to get the second-to-last of my surgeries for my implant on May 31. It's at 11:30 am so I can eat before hand, plus I'm not being put under... bummer, 'cause that's fun! It's a Thursday so I'll miss that day and Friday, then I'll have to weekend to recover more.
Jennifer never used the strep throat excuse, but she also didn't do the DBQ. She is deciding to just not say anything and hope he doesn't notice.
Carne told a great story about Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona (or whatever the beginning abbreviation is) and then he told us a story about his US History teacher and his story about what happened at Pearl Harbor. That's where the title of the blog comes from. But the story is too long and detailed to type so if you wanna hear it, call me. It's worth the minutes. I believe it's better than him and his tax problems. Sincerely.
I got a 6 out of 8 on the quiz today... I BEAT JENNYPHONE! It makes me feel so accomplished. And yes, Kaplow, it DOES look like someone constipated... the smiley face thing.
I needed another purple line in my pattern so this is it... |
posted by Katie @ 7:48 PM  |
4.12.2007 |
So I don't REALLY wanna burn it... |
Today was so scary because after school, Ashley and I were outside and then there was this HUGE gust of wind. It blew over some trees in ceramic pots and a box or two AND I couldn't walk. You know those dreams where you're trying to get away so you attempt to run but you don't go anywhere? It was like that. Once I got into my garage I had to hold onto the track that the garage door itself was connected to.
I returned that book that Carne let me borrow and while I was there I wrote down the due dates for the next three chapters, which he claims "Is the rest of the year." Then I asked him about what we'd be doing after the AP test and about the 'history of whatever' and he got really mad because of the teacher that "Stole" his idea. I told him I had that teacher last year and we did that project and how Georgina and I did the history of High Heels. He says that she even took the exact curriculum and everything! While were were walking towards the office together he was telling me about how we were gonna watch movies too. I asked him which ones but he said "it's a secret" and then put his finger to his lips and went "shh."
The bad part is, after that, when I was down near the parking lot with Ashley, Ashley suddenly asked me if I liked him as much as I did Chicken. I was confused why she'd asked that. I don't like him like I liked Chicken, but Ashley said I was looking at him the same way I would look at Chicken and she never noticed the 'look' when I talk to anyone else. That scared me. But now it's started to make me think... |
posted by Katie @ 5:54 PM  |
4.11.2007 |
...but then I realized it was my history teacher!... |
I'll have a better blog tomorrow but the picture I WAS gonna put up wasn't scanned because our Photoshop was acting up.
The DBQ today was horrible, but I don't think I did tremendously bad, other than the fact that I didn't mention The Depression (I realized that when i was writing my conclusion paragraph). Then, to make matters worse, I found out in my next class that I have an In Class Essay TOMORROW! Two essays in two days... ON THE WEEK OF FRIDAY THE 13TH. But on Friday the 13th I'm gonna go with Ashley and Kaplow to see Disturbia after school. I'm so excited!
Oh yeah! I got a magazine in the mail today and there was this funny embarrassing moment in it. I think Kaplow will find it funny. It's called "BUTT DOUBLE"
"'My best guy friend and I have this joke where we'll sneak up and pinch each other. One day between classes I saw him in the hall. So I crept up behind him and pinched his butt pretty hard. He jumped and turned around, but then I realized it wasn't my friend--it was my history teacher! He looked at me like I was crazy.'"
That would suck if something like that ever happened to me... but then again, I don't think I'd be pinching any of my guy friends' butts. Specifically, I wouldn't wanna pinch ANDREW'S butt. Eww. I dunno how that girl just pinches the poor guy as a joke. It sounds like they are more than just friends. |
posted by Katie @ 6:47 PM  |
4.10.2007 |
Weird Week? |
I dunno why he calls them Pearls...*(closely related to the) AP US History Book Picture of the Day*
Monday started off very interesting... Tuesday, pretty much the same. So let's start with the beginning of the day.
I drove to school and waited for Ashley and Kaplow in my normal spot in the hall. I wanted to finish my Spanish homework from the night before, but I couldn't figure out any good sentences (15 sentences using Spanish vocab.). I wanted to say that "My computer is slow" but I didn't know how to say "slow" in Spanish, and apparently neither does Kaplow... or Ashley, but she's in ASL anyway. So then I see Carne walk by. He looks at me and says hi, like always, and then I decided to ask him if he knew how to say "slow" in Spanish... He paused for a moment, then told me he had no clue.
In Psych, we watched a video that was recorded off the Discovery Health/Education channel!
In math, Mr. White's phone went off. He has the same phone as me and Carne so when it rang, it scared me because I thought it was mine. He has the "Cackle" for his ring tone. No joke Kaplow, Me, Carne, and White all have somebody cackling for a ring tone. I never use it though.
Triana broke a test tube in Chem today... she's almost worst than Jennyphone when it comes to labs... either too clumsy or too much of a perfectionist neat-freak.
In Carne's class, he told us this super long story about Hitler and I was listening so hard (if that's possible) that I think I was forgetting to blink so in the middle of his story I could feel my eyes getting red and puffy and watery. I hope it didn't look like I was crying! Rachael dropped her water bottle on the floor and Carne had to bend down and pick it up for her (she was too lazy... BITCH!) and I thought he was gonna hurt himself. It was really hard for him to get back up too. He he was bending down, you could he him squeaking! Okay, so I think it was just his belt or something... but the class thought it was hilarious. And when I walked into his class, he was listening to "Yaweh" by U2 really loud. I was the first one in the class so I sat down to get out my stuff and I was singing and humming along to the song. I really like that song... Speaking of that, I should put that CD in my car. Anywho, you know the pig that hangs above his desk? Well, he said that he doesn't turn it on until a certain day. He said, "I have a certain day for that. There's a lesson plan that goes along with it and everything." And He pulled his pants up a lot today.
In English, we spent half the class talking about that 5th grade class that was left alone for 30 minutes in Tennessee. My teacher said that during the 30 minutes, 2 fifth graders had sex, 2 more were 'fondling' each other, and one was a 'look-out.' The rest of the class was watching the fifth graders screw each other. That is one messed up bunch of 5th graders if you ask me.
After school, I went back to see Carne to talk to him about a more narrow topic on TR for my English History Paper. I think I'm gonna go with TR and his Conservation of the Nature. I have to have a thesis in a question form though... Carne had me take home one of the Pearls books (picture of the day) since I need primary sources. Carne also pointed out that those books have questions in them before each of the readings. So I'm gonna look at that tonight. While I was in there, he reached into his pants pocket a couple of times and then finally pulled out his cell phone. "What Luke?" he started. I could hear Luke talking but I couldn't really understand. Then Carne was like, "WHAT!?" and then Luke started talking some more. "Do you have practice today?" Carne asked him. Luke said more and then Carne finished with "Okay, then we're gonna hafta go home and get your junk." Ashley could have sworn he said "jock" not "junk." I'm 99% sure it was "junk."
So that's a typical day, yesterday was still weirder... |
posted by Katie @ 4:15 PM  |
4.09.2007 |
English History Project?! |
So, today was the first day back at school since break ended. I found out that I have to do a HISTORY PROJECT FOR ENGLISH! It has to be between 1776 and 1970 and it has to be American. Teddy Roosevelt was on the board as a suggestion as well as FDR and The Depression. I couldn't decide which to do and we HAD to have a topic chosen and written down today too! We were allowed to have a couple in mind though, as long as we had SOMETHING.
Traffic after school is bad in the student parking lot so instead of walking to my car and sitting there forever, I went to Carne's class after school to give me something to do. I was in there for maybe 3 5 minutes. He got all excited and did that "chunky cackle" a little. Mostly he was either just leaning forward in his chair or stretched out backwards with his hands behind his head. He told me he has some stuff he might let me borrow if I need it.
Mateo shaved his legs. It's really really weird but as long as he keeps up the shaving, I think it'll look fine. He just can't have the stubble like he did today. Kaplow or whatever she decided to officially change her name to thinks it makes his legs look tanner. I just think they look stronger... in a girlish type of way. |
posted by Katie @ 3:31 PM  |
4.08.2007 |
Tory, this is somewhat upsetting... |
This Post Has No Real Point This is so cute... Tory in the snow =)
He always takes really good pictures. But this isn't what's upsetting...
This isn't upsetting either. It's cute. Hmm, I wonder where he went? The green is cute.Looks cold though. Can't really understand this. Why the t-shirt in the snow? At least he has pants on.
This is what's killing me... WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO STICK YOUR TONGUE TO A POLE?And there could be many inappropriate comments made about the way he's doing it. Who would want to lick some random pole anyway? Other people may have tried it before him. Hope he doesn't get sick from it.
posted by Katie @ 2:12 PM  |
4.05.2007 |
KAPLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! READ FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!! |

**My Not AP US History Book Picture of the Day** So, I haven't blogged in a while because I was at the Grand Canyon. Nothing too special, just a big hole in the ground. And I can easily say I DO NOT MISS that horrible red rock. I like seeing industrial grey. Here is a picture of a Moose head in the Tovar hotel at the Grand Canyon.

Yesterday I drove myself to the mall and went shopping. I got the patch with Bloo on it. Ashley got a bunch of DX stuff.
 ^^BLOO PATCH^^ I also HAD to go into AE after Kaplow told me her story. So I went in. Ashley and I looked around a little, checked out the men's striped polo shirts... haha, his exact one wasn't there. But I honestly liked this one shirt, plus it was on sale, so I bought it. KAPLOW!!!!!!!! READ! -------> It is a short sleeve shirt... and has SOME blue. I consider it to be somewhat colonial-ish, but not like the sub we had in chem with the shiny buckles on her shoes. So you REALLY want to know? Scroll down for the picture.
Like I said, it's not that big of a deal. |
posted by Katie @ 4:45 PM  |