2.28.2007 |
Cold Mornings and Hypnosis |
Roosevelt and Muir at Yosemite Valley, California*AP US History Book Picture of the Day*
So, not much exciting going on. I just finished my Chapter 29 Concepts for Carne's class. Only 27 words! YAY! Carne and I talked before school today a little bit about how cold it was this moring... He claimed that it was colder this morning than it was yesterday morning. I think he was right. We watched the rest of that video, the *AP US History Book Picture of the Day* was on the video, that's why I chose it. And during that movie, I just wanted to go up to him and hug him. I dunno why. But I did... and I still do. Well, not necessarily hug him, but more like just snuggle, in a non-Kaplow-perverted kinda way. I think it's because of that weird dream I had about him last Friday night. I could help it then... so cozy... and the soft and fluffy... HAHA! Ashley knows what I'm talking about... Well she should know anyway. Kaplow has now logged on 3 times since 3:00 pm this afternoon. I bought National Treasure for my iPod. It's still downloading right now. Sean Bean is in it. Speaking of him, I saw one of his twins, like, 5 times today. Hmm, what else... not much I guess. But I put my name on a list for my Pysch teacher for wanting to be Hypnotized. I'm kinda afraid though because I don't want to end up telling the whole class that I like Luke... especially since Luke is IN that class. But I fell a little better about it because Luke wants to be Hypnotized too.
posted by Katie @ 3:56 PM  |
2.27.2007 |
I thought these were cute |
I thought these were cute...

posted by Katie @ 6:18 PM  |
Wookie Noise |
*AP US History Book Picture of the Day*
So, not much happened today. Carne let us watch the first video over in his class. It reminded me of an old "this is the hitsoty of Disenyland" type thing. He kept pausing the video to announce that the narrator was wrong when telling the facts. Funnier than Cline and definitely not as annoying. During chemistry, Mr. Young was giving an example for pressure using a scene from Star Wars when some trash compactor was closing, and this really weird song came from Luke. I thought it resembled a wookie or Chubaca or something... Then when i was telling Kaplow about it, she said that Carne made a sound like that once... I cracked up. It's gotta be hereditary or something if they both can do that. Later, Luke was comparing his height to everyone else and was measuring himself to Young (who is, like 6'8" tall) and Luke isn't much shorter than him. Maybe a couple of inches. The someone asked if he was taller than his dad (Carne) and he said his dad was taller, but that wasn't the best part... Luke then said that his mom was really short and his dad (Carne) could rest his elbow on top of her head and she was the perfect height. Other than that, nothing else... oh, and Marcello, he's not Italian, he is part Brazilian... who woulda thought?
posted by Katie @ 5:48 PM  |
2.26.2007 |
Carne Came Back on my Birthday!!!!!! |
Preston Brooks Caning (with a cane) Charles Sumner *AP US History Book Picture of the Day*
Yes, so, Today is my "LEGAL" birthday, even though I celebrated it yesterday. That was fun... And Carne came back today! YAY! He looked exhausted though, the story he told us about his surgery was funny. You wanna hear the story he told us? My class that is? Okay, I'll tell you
Back in August, I guess some guy on our football team was running (this was during football practice) and he was only wearing his helmet, no other pads I guess. I am told that this guy was really skinny, I think of someone like Tim... Anywho, he was running and Carne took a step backwards and didn't see the kid. Well, the kid was going too fast to stop so he head-butted Carne in his shoulder (I'm assuming... since that's where the surgery was). Apparently it didn't hurt him too bad until just recently. Someone in class today asked him why he didn't get it fixed until now and Carne had the cutest reaction... He slouched a little bit, with his left arm just hanging in his ginormous sling, and gave the puppy-dog look to the class... then he said quietly "Because I'm (too) stuborn." Boy, that got the whole class cracking up. I turned around and looked at Jennifer and she was smiling. But I thought it was cute... in an 'awe, I really care about you but I don't LOVE you' kind of way.
Later in class, he was getting excited and he swung his good arm around to point towards the way to get to Russia (going across the Pacific) and he swung his arm so fast the he hurt his bad shoulder. He realized what happened and was like "Ow" and then class started laughing again.
Rachel tried to bribe him to let us see his surgery video, claiming "We want to see the HISTORY of your shoulder"... I thought it was kinda funny. But he wouldn't let us. He night show us a video! One about history, but he said he didn't want us getting too excited baout it yet. He was still able to drink this though!
I like this guy... He's cool! I though that he looked like Jamie Hyneman from Mythbusters |
posted by Katie @ 6:51 PM  |
2.24.2007 |
Almost Party Time! |
So, I'm just finishing putting up my party decorations right now. I have my outfit already... Kaplow, you may not see it when you stop by tomorrow because I COULD still be in my pajamas... Anyway, the garage is looking pretty awesome. There's hand-painted backgrounds, a saloon door that we bought at Party City, and we have hay! Technically it's straw but, whatever. It's real, so by the end of tomorrow, the garage with be littered in hay. But it'll be a lot of fun. Too bad Kaplow won't be there! I'll have pictures from probably on Monday. |
posted by Katie @ 4:03 PM  |
2.23.2007 |
Mr. Bob the sequal and Rudy Cardenas, also, AP US History Book Picture of the Day |
RUDY CARDENAS So, I had Mr. Bob again today. I love him. He's so awesome... and good looking ;) but anyway, I was going through some of his old blog journals, trying to find the one from when he was a sub in my English class, but I came across this one:
"11:13. TUESDAY NIGHT. THIS HAS GOTTA BE SHORT. I’M SUPPOSED TO BE AT THE LOCAL high school tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. to begin a 2-day stint teaching social science. And I can’t really afford to screw this up seeing as how my car……blew out another f******g engine!"
I loved it. He's too funny. Anywho, during that 'social science' calss today, I was discussing with Jennifer which picture should be todays "AP US History Book Picture of the Day." I decided on this one.
 Moose=THE CANADIAN!!!!!
Marcello talked to me today. He's a little more comfortable with me now I think after that one day after school when I was with him. So so cute. I graded his spanish test and (since we can't grade and "fix" our own anymore) I marked some of his answers right and added accents and stuff that he forgot. Yeah, I know, I'm nice like that.

Also, RUDY CARDENAS was cut on American Idol last night! I can't believe it. Even Paula said that he has one of the best male voices. I swear, America is getting stupider by the minute. But still, I'm a big fan of his. He cute and reminds me of Ivan Wong. And no matter what happens I'm still an official member of the "Ru Crew." GOOD LUCK WITH LIFE AFTER IDOL, RUDY!!!!! |
posted by Katie @ 7:38 PM  |
2.22.2007 |
Mr. Bob |
A while back I Had this awesome bus for my english class. He went by "Mr. Bob" (becasue he said that his last name always gets butchered). His actual name is Bob Makela (Mack-uh-luh) and he is so cool. Anywho, Carne' has been out all week because os shoulder surgery so we've been having subs. I was really starting to get tired of the one we had until today. TODAY we had MR. BOB! I saw him go the the class this moring and I though it was him so to make sure, I went in before school started and asked if I could leave me book in there. He said sure and had me stick it against the wall behind Carne's desk (so no one would steal it). I thought I would never see this dude again because he travels so much. There is so much amazing stuff about him that I can't even begin to tell. So here's the link to his website. He keeps a blog from his laptop. http://www.thegreatestyearofmylife.com/
Check under today's date and I bet he will have said something about substituting at Great Oak. I love the guy. He's so frickin awesome! |
posted by Katie @ 6:59 PM  |
2.21.2007 |
Poster in Carne's Room |

President Charles Logan (from Fox's 24)
So the other day, Jennifer and I were looking at the pictures through our A.P. U.S. Histpry books during Chemistry and we were making fun of the funny pictures of old (and now possibley dead) guys. Jennifer found one though and she was like "Carne has that one in his classroom!" and I was like "Really? I never notcied" and Jennifer was all "I'll point it out to you when we are in his class"
That day, Jennifer forgot to show me so I reminded her today. Below is the picture directly from the book and the other is a modified version (by me and Photoshop) of what the one looks like in Carne's class. It's on the back wall right below the "television' poster and it's a little to the left from the poster with the boat/ship
 ^^This one is from the book^^
 ^^This is what the one in Carne's classroom looks like^^
Now as I'm looking through the pictures in the book, there are some pretty awesome ones. i think I'm gonna start doing an "AP US Book Picture of the Day" The first one for that is the one below this. 
^^This Soldier slightly reminds me of The Hitcher^^

^^This one is just cute^^ |
posted by Katie @ 7:27 PM  |
2.20.2007 |
Kaplow... |
KAPLOW... Thou shall be BUMMED!!!!!!!!! |
posted by Katie @ 6:05 PM  |
2.17.2007 |
Pics from the Last Hike |
 I love these guys. They're identical twins. One is going again on the hike on Monday.   ^The camera was falling over and he had to catch it. It still took the picture though!^  He wanted to do a Captain Morgan pose. ^^^ |
posted by Katie @ 3:50 PM  |
Anniversary of the USS MAINE |
Okay, so on the 15th of February, Jennifer and I were sitting in Chemistry and she was reading an AP US History study book and she came upon something that had happened on that exact day 109 years ago. It was the sinking of the USS Maine. It was sunk in Havana harbor on February 15, 1989. We though it was funny because it was an anniversary of it so when we got to Carne's class, we asked him if he was aware that it was the 109th anniversary of the sinking of the Maine and he was like "Was it? Oh yeah! It was blown up!" Then today, i was doing the key terms for chapter 27 and the Maine was one of the terms. I thought it was funny. It also had a picture of it in the book. Below I have the Picture and after that is the definition that I worte for the term.
 Maine - battleship that was sent to Cuba, ostensibly for a “friendly visit” but actually to protect and evacuate Americans if a dangerous flare-up should occur and to demonstrate Washington’s concern for the island’s stability. Tragedy struck on February 15, 1898, when the Maine mysteriously blew up in Havana harbor, with a loss of 260 sailors. The Spaniards concluded that the explosion had been internal and presumably accidental; the Americans argued that the blast had been caused by a submarine mine. Not until 1976 did U.S. Navy admiral H. G. Rickover confirm the original Spanish finding with over-whelming evidence that the initial explosion had resulted from spontaneous combustion in one of the coal bunkers adjacent to a powder magazine. Labels: carne, us history, uss maine |
posted by Katie @ 3:04 PM  |
posted by Katie @ 3:03 PM  |
Don't know how |
All my info is way down at the bottom on the right side. I don't know how it got all the way down there but it did and I'm sure how to fix it... maybe it'll get fixed on it's own. I might have to delete a post, but if I do, it' no big deal, you probably went even very amused by it. |
posted by Katie @ 3:01 PM  |
So, today is depressing. It's S.A.D. (a.k.a. Single Awareness Day). Didn't get any Valentines stuff, but I did give some. I gave one to Carne... Kaplow, I don't see how it's 'eewy' because it's not. I gave one to Mr. Beach too. I like him. I talked to him today and he said that he put in a request to teach 12th grade next year. I told him I want to be in his class again (I was in his class second semester in 9th grade) and he said that it'd be fun. So I hope I can get him 'cause Great Oak counselors suck ass. They really do. But I might be able to get Beach if my mom goes in and talks to my counselor. Mr. Moore was better than the one I have now, but of course, all the GOOD teachers are at Chaparral. Anywho, I have to go find a really cute Valentines graphic to send to Tory. At least he cares. And everyone who has met him say that Tory is the nicest guy you'll ever meet in your life. |
posted by Katie @ 3:09 PM  |
2.12.2007 |
Sean Bean "The Hitcher" Props on eBay |

I want that REALLY bad. Like, I would give/do almost ANYTHING for it... ANYTHING! But the thingy ends tomorrow at 10:59:40 am tomorrow... But my birthday IS coming up... ***HINT HINT***. |
posted by Katie @ 9:04 PM  |
2.08.2007 |
HAHA.. Kaplow, this is what you get |
posted by Katie @ 8:18 PM  |
2.07.2007 |
My Birthday Party Idea |
So, i have decided on a theme for my birthday party. I want a Western theme. I wanna get cute little plastic cowboy hats, squirt guns, Sheriff Badges, bandanas, fake mustaches! So much fun! I'm already planning... Here's the info for it so far:
People invited: Me Ashley Lindsey (my sister) Kaplow Johannes Jenny-Phone
Date: Feb. 25 (Sunday)
Time: Undecided
Activities: LOTS!
Place: My House
It'll be a lot of fun if i get to do that. And Kaplow, you ARE going to it. |
posted by Katie @ 6:10 PM  |
2.01.2007 |
I found this on... |
I found this post that was left by Luke earlier today. I know it's just like a chain-letter type thing but when I read it, I almost started crying.
From: Luke Date: Feb 1, 2007 7:36 PM Subject: haha why not? Body: If I died tomorrow, you would never ever get a chance to seeme ever again. [be honest]
01. What are 5 things you would want me toknow before I died? 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)
02. What would 5 questions be that you have been wanting to ask me? 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)
03. If I died, would you come to my funeral?
04. If I died, would you cry?
05. If I died, would you forget me eventually?
06. If I died, what would be going through your head?
07. If I died, would you tell me you loved me before I died?
08. Would you mean it?
09. If I died, would you regret anything you said to me?
10. If I died, would you regret anything you said about me?
11. If I died, would you be wishing you told me something that you haven't already told me?
12. If I died, what would be your last memory of me?
13. If I died, what would you remember me by?
14. If I died would you even care?
15. If I died tomorrow, I would want to know your true feelings about me. What are your complete feelings about me, up to this day?
16. If I Died what song would make u cry and remind u of me?
Repost as: If I died...send answers in message REPOST OR YOU'LL NEVER KNOW WHAT PEOPLE TRUELY THINK ABOUT YOU
I almost cried... so sad... If it was true. Which I hope it's not. Geez, that would suck if that really happened and all. |
posted by Katie @ 9:37 PM  |