Roosevelt and Muir at Yosemite Valley, California*AP US History Book Picture of the Day*
So, not much exciting going on. I just finished my Chapter 29 Concepts for Carne's class. Only 27 words! YAY! Carne and I talked before school today a little bit about how cold it was this moring... He claimed that it was colder this morning than it was yesterday morning. I think he was right. We watched the rest of that video, the *AP US History Book Picture of the Day* was on the video, that's why I chose it. And during that movie, I just wanted to go up to him and hug him. I dunno why. But I did... and I still do. Well, not necessarily hug him, but more like just snuggle, in a non-Kaplow-perverted kinda way. I think it's because of that weird dream I had about him last Friday night. I could help it then... so cozy... and the soft and fluffy... HAHA! Ashley knows what I'm talking about... Well she should know anyway. Kaplow has now logged on 3 times since 3:00 pm this afternoon. I bought National Treasure for my iPod. It's still downloading right now. Sean Bean is in it. Speaking of him, I saw one of his twins, like, 5 times today. Hmm, what else... not much I guess. But I put my name on a list for my Pysch teacher for wanting to be Hypnotized. I'm kinda afraid though because I don't want to end up telling the whole class that I like Luke... especially since Luke is IN that class. But I fell a little better about it because Luke wants to be Hypnotized too.