*AP US History Book Picture of the Day*
So, not much happened today. Carne let us watch the first video over in his class. It reminded me of an old "this is the hitsoty of Disenyland" type thing. He kept pausing the video to announce that the narrator was wrong when telling the facts. Funnier than Cline and definitely not as annoying. During chemistry, Mr. Young was giving an example for pressure using a scene from Star Wars when some trash compactor was closing, and this really weird song came from Luke. I thought it resembled a wookie or Chubaca or something... Then when i was telling Kaplow about it, she said that Carne made a sound like that once... I cracked up. It's gotta be hereditary or something if they both can do that. Later, Luke was comparing his height to everyone else and was measuring himself to Young (who is, like 6'8" tall) and Luke isn't much shorter than him. Maybe a couple of inches. The someone asked if he was taller than his dad (Carne) and he said his dad was taller, but that wasn't the best part... Luke then said that his mom was really short and his dad (Carne) could rest his elbow on top of her head and she was the perfect height. Other than that, nothing else... oh, and Marcello, he's not Italian, he is part Brazilian... who woulda thought?