12.31.2008 |
13 Reasons to Date a Hockey Player |
13 Reasons to Date a Hockey Player
1. They always wear protection. 2. They have great hands. 3. They are used to scoring. 4. They have great stamina. 5. They find the opening and get it in. 6. They never miss the target. 7. They know how to use their wood. 8. They have long sticks. 9. They know when to play rough. 10.When they fall down they pop right back up. 11.They are masters at many positions. 12. There quick on their feet. 13.Because baseball, basketball, and soccer players only know how to play with balls. |
posted by Katie @ 5:01 PM  |
12.25.2008 |
Christmas Day |
So, it's Christmas day. I got some nice stuff. Nike Bauer ONE70 ice hockey pants, and the ITECH shoulder pads I wanted and my grey RBK practice jersey... and an NHL hockey Foosball table thing. It's fun because I'm yelling things at my uncle (who was helping out on my team) telling him "cycle!" and "down low!" and "in the slot!" and he was screaming at me "English please!" It was funny.
I really want to go skate now, I mean, I wore my hockey gear all morning and it's raining out so I can't do much until tomorrow, but tomorrow my mom wants to go shopping at the mall, yikes! There's gonna be a lot of people o_O.
My sister woke up late this year! 6:40am... grr... and she made me get up too. But I didn't get to bed until midnight because my uncle was acting like a two-year old kid playing with all the toys in the loft next to the air mattress he was sleeping on and I was laughing too hard and didn't fall asleep until about 1:30am.
I got a voice message on my phone though from someone completely unexpected. A buddy of mine that I very rarely actually talk to called to just say hi and that made me pretty happy. I fell asleep smiling I think, or at least laughing. =) |
posted by Katie @ 4:34 PM  |
12.22.2008 |
I'm trying 3.8... wait... I don't like it... |
I'm trying Skype 3.8 again... maybe I can mess with it to get it to look the way I'm used to it looking... I just don't really like the two separate windows, I'm used to it all being together
So I'm trying the 3.8 version... it's the one that most people use i think... I don't like it!! Okay, I officially don't like it... you can't see the little pencil thing at the bottom like I'm used to!! I'm switching back to 4.0 Beta 3
Grrrr.... |
posted by Katie @ 2:36 PM  |
Too many Skype 4.0 Betas!!!!!!! |
So, after getting woken up multiple times during the night by someone named Fateh, I made a friend of mine that knows how to speak French deal with him and then I blocked him. I hate blocking people, but this guy was really bothering me.
My laptop crashed 3 times within 5-10 minutes of rebooting every time. I found out the problem though, it's the USB driver that my cam is plugged into. So I read the troubleshooting thing and I just downloaded driver updates on the HP site for my HP cam on my HP laptop.
Then I proceeded to downgrade my version of Skype back to 3.8 because I had been using 4.0 Beta since it was the only one that would work with my old cam. But after installing it, i hated it. So I went back to the site to get 4.0 Beta again, but they have made a new version this month, i had 4.0 Beta 2 but now they have 4.0 Beta 3 so I had no choice but to get it... I got it, and I hate the way it looks. It's pretty similar to 4.0 Beta 2 but the font is tiny (though adjustable in the chat portion) and it doesn't show the last time my buddies were seen (logged in) like 4.0 Beta 2 did and 3.8 did. *Sigh* oh the drama... And the smiley drop down box is on the opposite side of the chat box!! Ahhh!!!!!! (Phew) at least the up arrow to edit still works! I'm gonna have to either just get used to it or go back to 3.8 and suffer... The problem with 3.8 is that I don't think it has the notifications that the Beta version does, and the chat opens in a new window, I don't like that. Ugh... I'll go make gingerbread cookies now or something, I don't know, I'm bored.
I wanted to play roller hockey today, but I mentioned when I woke up that it was supposed to rain and then I couldn't play... but what didn't know and that I was oblivious to was that it was already raining when I said that... I must have been a little preoccupied to notice =P |
posted by Katie @ 1:58 PM  |
12.21.2008 |
Please Don't Poke Fun |
I told you I'd be back (read my post before this first, you'll understand).
People these days make such a big deal out of meeting people online. I don't see what all the fuss is! The only difference is that you don't see them in person. There are a lot of people that are paranoid about it, like my mom, but as long as you don't give out your address and SSN you are fine, you know? I bring this up because I have met some really nice people online. They are great to talk to for a few reasons:
- You can talk to random people and tell them your problems without having to worry about facing them in person.
- They can be good for a one-timer if you're into that =(
- It's just another place to get a second opinion about something
- Also, they can help you learn languages and cultures
I have found a few people across the world that I have been talking to an a pretty regular basis, a few times a week, but one person really stands out. This person has been there for me since the beginning (of Mattia) and is still with me through the end. I don't care what people say about meeting people on the Internet because if you find the right person you can really form a great friendship. Yeah yeah, that sounds cheesy, but you know what? It's true. At first you are sketchy, just small talk and getting to know each other. Then you start chatting more then just once a week, and you tell each other about how your day went. For me, it started, well, Skype won't open up the conversation history, but it started a long time ago it seems. I'm just saying, if you ask someone "So where'd you meet your boyfriend/girlfriend?" and they answer "I met him/her online" do me a favor, don't laugh, please. **Remind me that I need you to say something for me if we chat tomorrow (you know who you are)** It doesn't matter where you meet someone if a great friendship is formed. I feel like I'll go crazy if I don't have my buddy to talk to. I can share everything with this friend and I really want to give him a hug, a really long tight hug, that's all I honestly need, anything else that may blossom, let it grow as it is. I'm going to make it a goal in my life, not only do I want to get out of the USA for a while, I want to go to Europe, and visit some countries (not ALL of them though), and maybe I can really give him a hug. And if he is really truly as great in person as he seems to be since I've known him (which I believe), maybe he'll let me stay at his place instead of getting a room at a hotel =P He is the one I could cuddle up with and watch a movie without worrying about if he is going to try to get with me in the middle of it. He would go to a scary movie with me and keep me safe, although I can imagine him getting scared and needing me for protection. And I could see us hanging out together having a really good time, sincerely. Please, if you ever come to my state, and close to my city, you have to make arrangements to say hi. Maybe at the coffee place or Jamba Juice =) Anyway....
So sometimes these surveys are fun to read... I have filled out a few:
Turn on, Turn off, or Don't care? Wears a grill: Turn off Dresses Gangsta: Turn off Dresses Preppy: Turn on Dresses Athletic: Turn on Dresses Emo: Turn off Dresses hick: Turn off Has green eyes: Major turn on Has brown eyes: Don't care Has hazel eyes: Turn on Has blue eyes: (depending on which color) Turn on Drinks alcohol: Don't care (as long as it's in moderation) Smokes Weed: Turn off Smokes cigs: Turn off Plays sports: Turn on Smiles a lot: Turn on Has blonde hair: Don't care Has brown hair: Turn on Has black hair: Don't care Has red hair: Don't care Has no hair: (depending on his age) Turn on Good dancer: Don't care Wears jewelry: Don't care Tattoos: Turn on (only if it's one or two) Laid back: Don't care Plays guitar: Don't care Plays drums: Don't care Plays bass: Don't care Raps: Don't care Bites your bottom lip when making out: TURN ON Can draw: Don't care Has a lip ring: (hmm...) Turn on Has a tongue ring: (hmm...) Turn on Nipples pierced: Turn off (I don't want to rip them out by accident!) Hugs you: Turn on Hugs from behind: TURN ON Creative: Don't care Calls you just to hear your voice: TURN ON Religious: Don't care Goes to church: Don't care Kisses you on the neck: TURN ON Brutally honest: Don't care
"If I was your boyfriend" - You know who you are, because I think if you had the chance to be mind you would grab it in a heartbeat how many times a day would you kiss me? All day how many times a day would you fuck me? Depends on how many time you can handle would we fuck everyday? I'm sure at the beginning we would how many times a day would you just want to hold me? All day would you take me places? Of course would you love me? I think I could if we went out on a date would u have me pay for it? I wouldn't MAKE YOU pay if that's what u mean would you take me anywhere special? Yes If I was sick... what would you do? Care for you, keep you company in bed or on the couch all day and bring you anything you want. If one a my friends tried to get with you what would you do? I would run away and go to you, kiss you hard, and tell you what happened would u tell me? Yes would u listen to all my problems and help me solve them? Always Would u introduce me to your mom/dad?Uh... maybe after we were together for a while... because, well, the age difference might be a problem, but then maybe not. Would you care about what i wore when we out ? As long as you wore SOMETHING I would be happy Would you go to the Club with me? I don't think either of us like to go clubbing If your friend tried to get at me what would you do? I would want to rip out all her hair and body check her straight into the boards If someone tried to fight with me in front of you what would you do? Who would want to fight with you? If they did, i would totally stick up for you! If a girl/guy tried to talk or dance with you at the club what would u do? Scooch away back to you and dance close with you and kiss you If i cheated on you would you take me back? I don't think you would cheat on me Would u give me your myspace password? I don't know... I guess I trust you with it, but I don't think passwords are the best things to be sharing If i gave you mine would you read all my mail? Only if it looked like it was from a horny girl If i said i loved you would you say it back? I can't yet, you know why |
posted by Katie @ 7:46 PM  |
Just for my friend... |
So it's been a while from my last post. Mostly because part of me has been busy, worried about Mattia, or chatting with friends. I don't want to explain it again (I have explained to too many people) but me and Mattia (oops... i think up until now I have referred to him as Red... well, now you know his name) aren't boyfriend and girlfriend anymore... not because we don't like each other, because we do! But things are just hard right now...
On another note... A friend of mine requested this post. A friend of mine that doesn't live in Algeria like all my others. He knows the best English out of everyone so that's a reason why I am posting... because I actually understand him.
I guess I can talk about some thing that have happened lately... I had my last hockey class with Chris yesterday, but he is starting it again after New Year's, if he isn't too drunk to stand. And this morning, after waking up, chatting, showering, and brushing my teeth... I went downstairs because I was expecting a yummy breakfast, but instead I found... nothing. Hmm, I don't know why I was expecting a big breakfast, I guess it must have been something I saw when I woke up this morning that made me hungry (you know who you are).
I ate some cookie dough earlier... I still need to make my gingerbread cookies though. Oh! And I have gotten out of Jury Duty!! That made me so happy because I really didn't want to go all the way to Murrieta/French Valley and waste my day there when I could have been doing something productive, like surfing the net, watching reruns of Home Improvement, and Skype.
I have recently fallen in luv with this guy... Jeff Dunham, yeah, that dorky ventriloquist that argues with himself. Peanut and Achmed are the best though. The shortened versions of Jeff Dunham's performances are here but look for them on YouTube because they are the full length ones.
"Oh Jeff-fuh-fuh oh Jeff-fuh-fuh, Without me you would suck-ka-ka" - Peanut Now I need something to actually be productive about. I discovered today that I am even more easily amused than I was already aware of. Apparently the worst jokes (not the ones that are so bad they are good) crack me up. I have been given permission to use this one... I laughed at it, how about you?
A friend of mine went to the worst zoo in the world recently. He said there was only one animal in there. A dog!It was a Shih Tzu!!!
Then I read this joke: A pregnant Irish woman from Dublin has a car accident and falls into a deep coma. Asleep for nearly 6 months, when she wakes up she sees that she is no longer pregnant and frantically asks the doctor about her baby. The doctor replies, "Ma'am you had twins! A boy and a girl. Your brother from Cork came in and named them." The woman thinks to herself, "Oh no, not my brother... he's an idiot!" She asks the doctor, "Well, what's the girl's name?" "Denise", replied the doctor. "Hey, that's not a bad name, I like it! What's the boy's name?" "Denephew."
And then I was told this: "you're fun, you laugh at anything"
I'm not sure that it's a good thing or a bad thing... but I'm glad someone gets entertainment from me. Oh wait, it gets better... Have you ever seen this before? If not, you really need to check it out, seriously, give it a try.
This entry just keeps getting longer and longer with no point... I really want to prove that I can pick a topic and stick with it. This is turning out to be very difficult. I feel even lamer (if that's a word) than I did before. Props to you Roy for doing something actually constructive and insightful with yours.
I thought of something! I just looked over at the table next to me and saw my empty can of Wild Cherry Pepsi. Why do all of our soda companies make "Cherry Flavored" drinks? I mean, who decided cherry was the best? I know plenty of people that like apples, why not make it like a Green Apple Pepsi? Because if you think about it, we have Cherry Pepsi, Cherry 7-Up, Cherry Dr. Pepper, Cherry Coke, and then the Shirley Temple and the Roy Rogers... why so many cherry drinks? Even Mountain Dew has Mountain Dew: Code Red. I think we should boycott cherry drinks and complain to all these soda companies that there needs to be more Blueberry, Raspberry, Apple, Strawberry, and Watermelon flavored sodas. I mean, if we are going to turn bubbly sugar water (which is basically what soda is) into liquid fruit, we ought to do more than just cherry, strawberry, and orange (and lemon-lime as well). Jones Soda's are cool, they have so many things to chose from, but some are rather sickening... the Turkey soda, gingerbread man soda, pumpkin pie and all those other things. But hey, at least they are unique, right?
Okay, I think this is enough. But I'm sure I will think of something else to write about later and I will come back for another helping of Blogger. |
posted by Katie @ 6:18 PM  |