7.30.2008 |
OMFG my Red is coming.... |
Ohhhhhh my goooooood... You know how I was upset about not getting to see Red again? Guess what!!!!!!!!!!! I GET TO SEE HIM TOMORROW AND FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is flying down here tomorrow morning and I'm meeting up with him at the rink because Chris can't bring him up here... but Friday I am spending all day with him here, doing the rink, the house, the movies, as much as I can with him. He told me if I get cold at the rink tomorrow he will hug me and keep me warm =)
I will try to sleep know........ |
posted by Katie @ 11:08 PM  |
7.28.2008 |
Hysterically gone crazy |
Okay, this might sound hysterical and crazy, but that's pretty much the point I'm at right now. Red was going to fly down here this week to see me... spend that extra money to be able to hang out with me for one last time before going home... I thought my parents were going to be okay with it, letting me see him and also I wanted them to meet him, but my plans completely backfired. It's so hard for me to get them to understand and so hard for me to tell Red to not bother with making any plans, especially when he asked if I was sure. It hurt.
He knows how upset and angry and frustrated I am and he is so sweet. He tells me "I know you are sad but I..." and then he sent me a picture... he finished with "... but i hug you and kiss you." I was crying a tiny bit before but when I saw this it was like the flood gates let lose. Just for me he got a picture of himself as if he were really hugging and kissing me. I can't look at it again... I will start up again.
And then the things he tells me after... I loved hearing it, it made me feel so good, yet to bad at the same time because I couldn't do anything about it. I know I am only 18 and have only come across a small handful of cool guys in my life, but I truely think, from the very first time I ever saw him, that he could possibly be the one. Maybe it's my emotions right now or maybe it's just that I want to see him so badly right now, call me crazy and call me a boy-crazy 18 year old teenage girl who met this amazing guy from Italy, but that's what I think, the only difference between me and him, I haven't admitted that to him yet, while he has.
I hope he forgives me for this, because I don't know if he wants his pictures posted on the internet, but I want to share just one. I haven't used his name so it's not like any random person could find him. I think he took this one earlier today. And he was wearing this shirt the first time I spoke with him... I absolutely love the shirt, and Christina liked it too. Well now we can never forget it... |
posted by Katie @ 10:42 PM  |
7.27.2008 |
Shark Week! |
Okay, a few things.... SHARK WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah! I was kind of zoning out through the new Mythbusters (I know, unthinkable of me, right? lol) but I was also IMing my Red. I still am now so that makes for a 6 and a half hour chat now. I can't stand it, he gives me butterflies like crazy. So many butterflies and tingles it almost hurts... I love it. And he sent me some more pictures today, haha, very nice pictures I might add. Ashley liked one of them (granted she didn't know who it was at first) and my mom didn't mind either. Of course my sister can't stand him, I think she is just giving me a hard time though. He wants me to fly up there to see him so badly and I just feel sad because I know I can't. Like as I am talking to him now... I told him I was probably going to have some interesting dreams tonight and he said he would too. I said I would share mine if he shared his but he said he has his dream now. And when I asked him to share and he got my reaction he just keeps pleading me... saying 'come here... please come here now.' I was teasing him saying 'you want me there right now?' and he says 'yes... a lot.' He is so adorable in so many ways I can't not love him.
And on the Mythbusters new Shark Week episode Tory was the bait for most of the myths and everyone, including the narrator, was saying things like "the sharks will get Italian dinner tonight" and I also saw an interpretation of Tory's death by shark attack =( I can't even begin to tell you how adorable and lovable and huggable Tory was during those two hours (that I was paying attention to). I love my Italian boys, they are the greatest =D |
posted by Katie @ 10:16 PM  |
7.23.2008 |
So Cute |
Alright, so my Italian friend (he has a name but I'm not gonna share) is so cute! We have been emailing each other and we are in the process of trading pictures. I got a few of his and 2 videos, and I sent him some pictures and 1 video. When we were talking after hockey last Saturday morning he was telling me about how he spent like $100 on junk at Spencer's (so I'm assuming Chris took him to the mall, lol) and he told me how he got one of those football helmets that hold a can of beer on each side, well, he sent me a picture of him wearing it down on the floor like he was in the tackle position. OMG, it's classic, I love it. The video of him at the rink was adorable too, so cute, I can't get over it =) |
posted by Katie @ 12:49 PM  |
7.20.2008 |
Update on Red: second edition |
Okay, so after texting him yesterday, he wanted to meet up with me because he was coming to Temecula with Chris for a while before leaving. Of course I wasn't allowed out of the house but I got over it. I emailed him just before our hike earlier today. When I got home and after I showered, I logged onto my laptop to look at the pictures from the hike when I get an IM from an unknown user. I was almost going to close it because I thought it was more spam, but for some reason I had this feeling I should at least read it. When I opened it, it was him. He was on his friends computer IMing me. From 6:30pm until 9pm we IMed each other, it was great. He really knows how to be cute. I don't know if he is trying to be or if that's just how he is but it's adorable. Like Massimo from The Wedding Planner, so so cute. I want to go into detail but it would take way too long. OMG, I can't believe it! =) |
posted by Katie @ 9:18 PM  |
7.19.2008 |
Update on Red |
OMG, so remember how I gave that guy my number? I honestly thought it would be trashed but I got a text message about 45 minutes ago from him! And he says he looks forward to my email! I'm just so psyched right now! He is really such a cutie =) |
posted by Katie @ 6:50 PM  |
Remember Red #17?... haha, well... |
Okay, I just got back from my second hockey class. The same people were still there from last time. Including Red #17. I was actually really looking forward to it, to seeing him again so when I saw him watching me playing pick-up on the other rink I was stoked. But when I got off the rink to actually go talk to him he was already gone, back to the other rink. I pulled Christina off the pick-up ice and we went to the other ice for class.
We warmed up and really soon after me and Red made eye contact again. It was exactly the same as last week, he was in our line and every time he passed me he would look at me... not any of the other girls there, or any of the other guys, all his focus was on me and Christina. And it wasn't just like he skated by and looked at everyone, he kept his eyes on us.
Oh, by the way, I didn't mention that one of Christina's friends, Will, whose wife is almost about to have their baby, he helped me out on the ice during pick-up and a Dutch guy was giving me tips too...
Anyway... so after we changed, we wanted to watch the mini-mites game because they were just so cute and adorable. We decided we were going to take the goalie home with us but there was simply no more room in the car with all our gear AND the little goalie. I realized then that the guy that I wasn't sure was Red that was hanging out watching was the same guy (it's hard to recognize people when they aren't in their gear compared to when they are). I had put on my red Kings (Center Ice) jersey and me and Christina were just watching the game and I kept looking over at Red and it was still the same... looking and smiling. Then when I had my back turned to him, he came over and touched my arm.
I looked over my shoulder and saw him and turned to face him. He said a few things but his accent was so heavy I couldn't understand him. Then he told me I was wearing his colors and that my face was as red as my shirt. I covered my face and Christina was cracking up. Once it paled out again, I could tell I had the look and I couldn't hide it. He told me he was from Italy, from Florence, and that he wanted to say bye to us because he was going to be going up to Monterey and then San Francisco and then back to Italy. He was friends with Chris, our coach, and this was basically his last day. I first noticed his beautiful green eyes, then I found out he was Italian (authentic dude! Yeah!), and then to hear him tell us he was sorry is had bad English because of his accent (me and Christina were both think 'I really don't mind the accent... accents are adorable') and then he wanted to tell us bye. I could have just fallen into his arms then. I didn't see him say bye to anyone else, not other guys, no other girls (or ladies rather, me and Christina are the youngest girls out there by 15 years easy). I couldn't believe what was happening.
But then I felt really sad because he wasn't going to be back. He said he played inline hockey in Italy so coming here he tried out the ice (and he was still really good). I really didn't want him to go because he was too adorable... he was the perfect height for me... Tory's eyes (I'm a total sucker for pretty eyes)... AND HE PLAYED HOCKEY!!!! It is like a Tory and Anze hybrid!!! So I wanted him to remember me...
After he said good-bye we knew he was still gonna hang around for a while and take the dog for a walk (we thought he was crazy at first, but Chris really did bring his dog apparently). He wanted to take us out to the car to see the dog but we got distracted.
So to have him remember me, me and Christina went into the little cafe and took a napkin. We spent like 5 minutes trying to find a pen, and we are stupid because they were right under our noses on the sign up table. I wrote down my cell number and on the way out he was sitting on the bench so I handed him my number. He smiled and then tore off a piece and said he was going to give me his email. He went back inside, took a pen, and then wrote it down. He had to come over to me and read it so I could understand what he had written. We hung out a little bit longer until we had to go and then said good-bye. As we were walking away he shouted to me something like "make sure you send me an email!" because he still wanted to keep in touch with me.
I am like in la-la-land right now, I don't know where those guts came from but they came from somewhere. I can't believe that happened. I thought it was all in my head, that he wasn't really interested in us, but after this morning, I think I have changed my mind. Damn! I don't know how old he is, in his 20's, but probably mid to late 20s... he was so adorable though, I can't get over it =D |
posted by Katie @ 11:59 AM  |
7.12.2008 |
My First Hockey Class |
Wow, it's been a while since my last post...
I went to my first hockey class this morning with Christina. It was so much fun! A few of my other friends I made last time were there, the lady with her husband, who was much better I must say. And then this one guy kept eyeing me the whole time. And I think when we were checking in at the end (yeah, I had to pull Christina off the Pick-Up hockey rink so we checked in AFTER class), the same guy that kept looking at me nudged our coach and said something about remember to get the number, but he had a heavy accent from I dunno where, and then he looked at me... so I dunno what was going on. He seemed cool though... at least I think it was the same guy, my dad thought so because he was really good, but then he wasn't sure, so I have no idea... but the guy on the ice for sure kept looking... and the one after we changed said bye to me... so I dunno, I'm confused now. Same ole locker room... #4 all the way at the end
Yay! My new skates are awesome! We had to go through a pat down, lol, j/k, but the guy in red with #17 was the one that kept looking at me (he could have given me a pat down though, lol)... and the big guy in blue right next to him (not 66) was a friend of mine from last time... he was there with his wife... and I was on the left of him, so he was between me and the other guy, and then Christina was to my left... Our coach was actually teaching us a technique for better skating, yeah, it's hard to believe with out knees and toes pressed against the boards and our butts hanging way out there... Our coach is standing right in between me and Christina, so it's hard to see us, but I'm looking at the guy and he is looking back (red) lol... and the guy way on the left with the pretty bright blue helmet has been there every time I have been there... that's 3 for 3 |
posted by Katie @ 3:42 PM  |