Dude sitting is My #1
Can you answer 50 questions about your #1 friend?DON’T change your top friends, and answer 50 questions about the 1st person in your top friends.
1) What’s their name? Tory Belleci
2) Does he/she have a girlfriend/boyfriend? No
3) Would you go to Disney land with them? Yep
4) How old were you when you first met? When I first new about him I was 15 years old
5) Has he/she ever tried to hump your leg? Um... no
6) Is this person older than you? 19 yrs, 8 months, 27 days older
7) When’s the last time you saw this person? around 11:30 this morning on TV
8) When was the last time you talked to them on the phone? never, but I have listen to his answering machine when I called him
9) Are you related to this person? Nope
10) Are you their b/f or g/f? I wish
11) do you have a nickname for him/her? uh... Tory? (hus legal name is Salvatore but he goes by Tory)
12) Do you have pics of this person on your myspace? Yes, 2 I think, but one is included in the results from one of my quizzes I posted
13) How many times do you talk to this person in a week? Maybe once a month
14) Do you think they will repost this??? No, he doesn't know I have a blog, so why would he?
15) Could you live with this person?? Probably
16) Why is this person number one on your top friends? 27 months proud
17) Have you seen this person cry? I don't think so, I may have seen him get a little teary-eyed once though
18) Do you know this persons middle name? Paul
19) Have you ever been to the mall with this person? No, but I'm pretty sure he'd get us kicked out
20) Have you ever had a sleepover with this person? Not yet... >;)
21) If you ever moved away would you miss this person?? I live far enough away from him already
22) Have you ever given this person something? Uh... nothing physically
23) Have you ever done something really stupid or illegal with them? No, he can manage that by himself
24) Do you know everything about this person? Not everything
25) Does this person have a job? An AWESOME JOB!!!
26) Does this person have you as their #1? No
27) Do you think you and your #1 will be best friends forever? Not if I never meet him!!!
28) Have you ever made something with this person? Not really, but I think I may do a beanie for Bear
29) Have you ever taken myspace pictures with this person? Nope
30) Have you and your #1 fought before? Nope
31) Is your #1 on drugs? I think he's too chicken to TRY drugs
32) Does this person drink alcohol? Yes, but he's not an alcoholic
33) Whats your #1’s favorite food? Hmm... sugar? I dunno
34) Have you and your top person made up a hand shake? No...
What happened to question 35?... it disappeared!!!!
36) Have you ever seen this person dance? Hmmm... I'll have to think about that one. I'm sure I have at one point... AHA!!! the music and plants episode... he danced to death metal with Scottie
37) Have you ever seen this person sing? Um... I don't think I have...
38) Do you and this person have a certain saying? HE does... a few actually
39) Do you know this persons myspace password? No, and I don't really care to know
40) Do you know who this person likes or who she or he is going out with? Not going out with anyone, I dunno who he likes, he's too busy with work to be committed
41) Have you and this person even gotten into a fight that lasted more than 24 hours? Never fought before
42) Have you and this person ever lied FOR each other? I would if it was necessary
43) Does this person go on the computer often? Sure
44) Have you and this person went clubbing? He goes sometimes, I don't
45) Do you know how to make this person feel happy? ...yeah...
46) Do you talk a lot to this person? Not a lot... occassionally
47) Have you ever licked this person? What kind of question is that? Um... no
48) Has this person yelled at you? No, he thinks I'm "too cute to be annoying" <---Quoted directly from him!
49) Have you and this person got into a fist fight? WHAT'S WITH THE FIGHTING!!!??? NO!!!!!!!!!!
50) Do you know how much this person weighs? I'd guess around 185