9.20.2008 |
One week late but I have them... pics |
7 1/2 hours at the ice rink is awesome! I'm totally gone mentally, lol. Chris demonstrated what would happen if you didn't trust your edges... meaning, he threw himself down on the ice. It was great. I played catch with him... but in a hockey sense, with sticks and pucks and ice... he was confusing me because he couldn't keep the order straight and was running into me. I got one shot on goal during pick-up in a breakaway. All I hear is Will screaming at me "SKATE! SKATE! SKATE!" and i didn't even want to look back. I helped coach the min-mites with Chris and Christina. Later we watched a bit of the Gulls bantam team... and kept Chris from hibernation until spring by texting him mercilessly. I freeskated until 2... for free =) and the same creep from La Jolla was there!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! After i went home and we met Chris for roller hockey and stayed until 7:30pm, poor guy, we tortured him so much... but we have a great time with Chris, and we really luv him... deep down, you just can't tell =P At least now he knows what to have us work on next Saturday, I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing yet... hmmm... Oh! and the guy with the ponytail accidentally checked me today! It was funny, along the boards, we both fell on the ice on each other and i was more worried about whether he was okay, because I was fine.
Okay, you want to see pictures from last week now?.... Christina's goalie cam shot There's our boy! That was an interesting morning... Chris says we learn ballet! J/K this was pick-up Down to the other end! I think it's possible I have the puck! The teams were light this day... I just ended my shift... i was out of breath and my lungs hurt |
posted by Katie @ 8:26 PM  |
9.13.2008 |
Practice was funny (and today I marry Red)... |
Hockey clinic started up again. I was actually excited about going to play pick-up and i couldn't wait! The guy in white was excited to see me and when I walked into the dark side benches he was waving to me! I dont know where he is from... I might guess Russia but i might guess wrong. And Will came over and sat by me and we talked for a little while. I love the attention I get from those guys... usually when Will knocks my stick out of the way, or when he playfully slashes my shins with his hockey stick. I ran into the excited waving russian (if that's even what he is) and i twisted my wrist a little... it's not sore at all though.
I was giggling with Christina all during practice... partly because it was Chris out there and partly because she lucked out and the guy in Bright Blue (been there EVERY time i have gone) had an extra helmet to spare and Larry had gloves for her and the guy with the ponytail in green let her use his extra stick.
I was teasing Chris earlier in the week and he claimed "im gonna make you work on saturday" and guess what... it wasn't too bad. He did through in lunges, forwards, forwards faster, and backwards... at one point i just let myself slide on the ice right passed him and he just looked at me and said "good job katie" and laughed. it was all good though...
Christina got some pictures... I'm excited to see them, I will post some when I get them.
Red has a match today... it's also the day we are getting married... Chris completely freaked when I told him that. It was sooooo funny... I love teasing that guy... and i might start helping out at the Mini-Mite practices and games... which Chris takes a part in i think... we (christina and I ) can't wait to surprise him =D
(BTW, [heehee, i think of Chris when I use stuff like that] me and Red are not really getting married, it's an inside joke) |
posted by Katie @ 1:30 PM  |
9.09.2008 |
Chris is going to make me pay =D |
And I don't mean pay as in... pay for the clinic... I do that anyway. I spent all afternoon talking to him and we were bored so i started messing around with him and teasing him. Oh my god it was hilarious. He told me "Im gonna work you on saturday!!" I shouldn't have told him I was going to his clinic... Haha, he is great entertainment when I can't talk to Red.
Chris did tell me a few things that reinforced my feelings for Red. I guess when I took him back to Chris's place for the last time, Red made me drop him off a block away because he was crying and needed to compose himself before Chris saw... When I told that to Chris he said even when Red got there, he was still so broken up and that he had never seen Red so in love with a person before... It was crazy. I told Chris about how Red told me that with his last girlfriend he didn't even feel what he feels with me... I give him something that he has never felt before and never felt to good about... Well, Chris said that Red had told him the same thing... Chris says to me "he is really gaga and in love with you!"
Hearing that really makes me feel extra good about Red because, sure Red tells me this and says he tells his friends but I never really knew for sure other than just trusting him... So hearing it from Chris and having his perspective on this situation without Red being there to influence him... It's awesome... I love Red so much!!!! I see this and Red knew I was going to be jealous... I am jealous of Chris... haha
He put his underwear on his head |
posted by Katie @ 7:13 PM  |
9.01.2008 |
I love you Red!!!!!!!!!!! |
I love my Red. I love him I love him I love him... but what else is new, right? Actually it's new everyday because I love him more and more. And I'm trying not to bite my nails anymore (I don't do it a lot, but I still do occasionally) because he wants... well, me and him know why =) but I want to hug him right now, and kiss him too... especially today because he's not feeling too well and he had a terrible day dealing with the bank. I miss the sofa days sitting on the couch and chillin' watching Wild Hogs (and thank God I read the "Up Next" caption on the TV so I knew it was The Wedding Crashers even when we were paying not attention to it, but more to each other)
I love you boy! I love you my Superman (who has a new fear of spiders with me) |
posted by Katie @ 4:52 PM  |