12.30.2007 |
Blah blah blah |
I am currently waiting for a CD to burn. I'm burning it on my new laptop because it has lightscribe, so after it finishes we'll see how the lightscribe goes.
Kaplow mentioned the other day "the curse of the Jamba Juice," well, it happened again. But this time no one I liked. I saw that one kid ( I think he's a junior) from school that's tall and always is decked out in red on Wear Red Days, and my 9th grade math teacher, Ashley has him now... and Ken from my 3rd period class as well as that kid with the tricked out civic that always rips into the parking lot in the morning. All while I still had my Pomegranate Paradise (they ran out of raspberry juice so I couldn't get my normal Razzmatazz). I'm really hoping that I'll get my Kopitar jersey Saturday, but I'll probably end up getting it Wednesday or Thursday of the week we go back to school. At least that will give me something to look forward to all week. When I first saw Kopitar, I thought he looked stoned or like he was on drugs, but I thinks it's just how he looks. Raitis Ivanans #41 is technically way hotter, but Kopitar isn't bad, plus they have cheaper pre-made jersey's with his name because of how good he is. Only 20 years old too! I'm really hoping I get to go to the Kings game February 21 or something. The play the Blues... 5 rows away from the glass, sweet! But my mom says it costs too much. But it'd be for my damn birthday! Grr... ANZE KOPITAR!!! #11 On a happier note, my story is up to 18 pages and I still have a shitload I need to type. Awesomeness how Heather finds out who Morey's little friend is... HA! |
posted by Katie @ 5:10 PM  |
12.25.2007 |
Tory Belleci |
Tory Belleci. Mythbuster... Saving the best for last! He is my most awesome-est person in the world. Sure, sometimes when it comes to safety he shouldn't be in charge, (remember the swingset 360 episode?) but everyone still loves him. Including me! If anyone was keeping count, December 22, 2007 was the 30 month anniversary of when I was technically first exposed to the guy. He had reminded me of Mr. Guy (remember him?) and since the school year was over, I thought I'd never see him again, so I latched onto this guy, who was almost a replica. Good thing I did so too! Merry Christmas!
posted by Katie @ 9:41 AM  |
12.24.2007 |
Power Rangers |
Power Rangers. And I mean the old school ones, before they turned all gay and rainbowy. And the old Power Ranger movie was pretty cool too. Kaplow still needs to let me borrow it so I can watch it. I'll give you Flubber.
posted by Katie @ 2:42 PM  |
12.23.2007 |
Jonas Altberg |
Jonas Altberg. Or Basshunter... d[-_-]b He sings the Boten Anna song in Swedish. If you haven't heard it, listen to it. Plus he's hot, just don't google his name and look at images.
posted by Katie @ 2:27 PM  |
12.22.2007 |
Mike Rowe |
Mike Rowe. The awesome-ness of Dirty Jobs. Since the first episode I have some to really luv this guy. Very sarcastic and expected to always make a mess. He's my comic relief when Mythbusters isn't on. Watch! Tuesdays at 9, only on the Discovery Channel. Oh! And he also does some of the ads for Ford trucks. Sometimes he's in them, and sometimes he's doing the narrating. He has a perfect voice for narrating. He was even a narrator for a Discovery Atlas video we watched in Anatomy this year, but only me, Ashley, and Christina noticed it.
posted by Katie @ 10:46 AM  |
12.21.2007 |
Daniel Craig |
Daniel Craig. Staring in the upcoming (and now playing) movie The Golden Compass. I first saw him in Casino Royale. I was going to use a picture from Casino Royale but my sister didn't like the one I was gonna use... (when he was on the beach in short-shorts) :D So yeah... um, he plays Lyra's uncle, Lord Asriel in The Golden Compass and he explores the north and discovers "Dust" but that's all I have read so far.
posted by Katie @ 1:05 PM  |
12.20.2007 |
Chevy Chase |
Chevy Chase. I my family, he is best known for his Vacation series of movies. So funny, so clueless, so... yeah. We're always repeating lines form one of them throughout the week or even the day. So yeah. Oh! And when I first saw 'Meat,' I thought he looked like this guy, and he still reminds me of him.
posted by Katie @ 5:48 PM  |
12.19.2007 |
Buster |
Buster. He's really the heart of Mythbusters and I don't think the show would have made it as far as it is now if Adam and Jamie hadn't used this fellow to do their testing with. This picture shows him as he prepared to go to space as the Ming Dynasty Astronaut, one of my favorites as well as one of the older episodes. They almost seem vintage now comsidering hiow young Tory was (and I'm not saying that he's old now, it was just different back then...) |
posted by Katie @ 3:38 PM  |
12.18.2007 |
Brian Lopes |
Brian Lopes. The guy on the right who is actually standing next to Lance Armstrong, that's why I chose this picture. I actually found out about Brian Lopes on my Downhill Domination video game by unlocking him through the MX Career on Hardcore level. He's my favorite rider. Anyway, he is a pro mx racer/rider. Apparently he's pretty good. And he got to talk to Lance Armstrong (who is totally sponsored by Discovery Channel, woot woot!). And, by watching the bonus video I unlocked on this guy, he's actually not that bad looking. This picture isn't the best example of that.
posted by Katie @ 6:09 PM  |
12.17.2007 |
Richard Dreyfuss |
Richard Dreyfuss. Ultimately the best character in Jaws. Especially when he sticks his thumbs on his checks and makes faces at Quint. Or when Quint crushes his aluminum soda can with his bare hand and he tries to show off so he crushes his syrofoam cup with his bare hand. And yes, this is the guy I compared to Hodgins a couple posts below.
posted by Katie @ 6:05 PM  |
12.16.2007 |
Carson Kressley |
Carson Kressley. Yet another member of the Fab 5. By far I think the gayest, and Ashley's favorite. He absolutely makes the show. I don't think it would be as hectic and chaotic if he wasn't on the show. But that's what makes him so awesome. |
posted by Katie @ 6:01 PM  |
12.15.2007 |
Les Stroud |
Les Stroud. Otherwise known as Survivorman. A lot of people think he's better than Bear Grylls but if you haven't watched both shows, you don't know that they cover different situations. Bear tries to get out alive, Les just needs to survive for seven days. There is a difference. But my dad I think still likes Les better than Bear, but i think Bear is better looking.
posted by Katie @ 5:56 PM  |
12.13.2007 |
Gary |
Gary. Played by Wesley Jonathan on the now cancelled TV show "What I Like About You." I got to meet this guy at one of the tapings we went to with my uncle and he is so sweet. Ashley and I made a banner that said "We (insert heart drawing here) Gary" and afterwards he signed it for us. One of my favorite parts was when he was waiting outside for Holly or Vince I think and she was taking too long so he made friends with an ant outside on the ground in front of the bench he was sitting at. This is what he said to it: "Hey, I'm gonna name you... Ant... Ant-tonio." HAHA! One of the best ever. So know whenever I see an ant on the ground I tell my sister "Hey! There's Ant-tonio!"
*Note: Kaplow, I went after school to see Officer Tim today but he had already left. If that sinker isn't here tomorrow and/or I don't get to see him I will be very upset! |
posted by Katie @ 4:04 PM  |
12.12.2007 |
Officer Tim |

Officer Tim. I've mentioned him before, so you should already know how awesome he is. Umm, I'm hoping that this Friday he'll wear the same thing as last Friday and be an adorable bundle again. :) And by having read some of the newspaper articles that have mentioned him, he just becomes one of my heroes even more. It's so adorable, especially the last one I read recently. And I think Kaplow's right, now, I'm just falling deeper and deeper... |
posted by Katie @ 3:55 PM  |
12.11.2007 |
Jeff Mathis |
Jeff Mathis. Catcher, #5 on the Angels. He's one of my favorite player next to Reggie. He came up as a replacement for injured Mike Napoli and he ended up being such a great catcher that the Angels left him in. Same type of story as how Reggie Willits began to play. Only Mathis's batting ave. wasn't all too great, but his catching made up for it. Angel's CAN'T trade Mathis either!!!!!
posted by Katie @ 3:52 PM  |
12.10.2007 |
Lance Armstrong |
Lance Armstrong. Not only is he sponsored by Discovery Channel (yeah!), he is superhuman. A few weeks back one on my classes was talking about him and suppossedly, his lungs are twice the size of normal or something. Super crazy! Plus, he's still triumphed over all that's happened to him. Livestrong.
Oh, and I drew out Gackt as Kaplow's 'spare' card today. This will be the first and last time you'll ever see Gackt on my blog.
posted by Katie @ 3:54 PM  |
12.09.2007 |
Matt |
Matt. The only guy sitting there at the table. This is the only picture we have of him. Anywho, he's my mom's cousin so then does that make me his second cousin? I dunno. He's in his twenties and recently got back from Iraq. I remember he came over for the 4th of July a few years back and it was so hot, he was gonna take me, my sister, and his sister back to their hotel to go swimming. The only problem was that no one had swim suits... Oh! and he can hug the squeeze the air right out of you, easy.
posted by Katie @ 11:53 AM  |
12.08.2007 |
Duff Goldman (& Geoff) |
Duff Goldman. And Geoff as well. I aven't gotten a chance to see "Ace of Cakes" in while which is a real bummer :( but once our VOD comes back, I can watch some for free on Demand.
posted by Katie @ 2:38 PM  |
12.07.2007 |
Charlie Venegas |
Charlie "The Edge" Venegas. Speedway rider, like Fishback, only this guy is a lot better. He won Nationals last year, but Lost to Billy Hamill this year. He was actually the one I was first interested in when I went to my first race, but only because Lil' Animal wasn't there. And Charlie was wearing this same outfit too, I remember because the hot pink Troy Lee Designs just stood out. His number was 1 this year, but since he didn't win nationals this year, me and my uncle aren't sure if he'll lose it, because Billy will just fly back to England or Canada (where ever he was from) so the number 1 would be useless to him.
posted by Katie @ 6:27 PM  |
12.06.2007 |
Alcatraz Escapees |

Frank Morris, John Anglin, and Clarence Anglin. The famous Alcatraz escapees. The leader, Frank I believe, was the genius behind the whole thing. It's actually quite amazing how they managed to escape and never be found. And how they fit through those little holes that they dug. Adam and Jamie hardly fit through! |
posted by Katie @ 3:18 PM  |
CANADA TRIP!!!!!!! |
We're goin' on a trip! Can you guess where?... CANADA!!! I think I'm gonna write a story about our not trip to Canada. With all the stories about the nonfunctional characters within. It'll be awesome!
**Note: The Canadian is exempt from the 'nonfunctional characters' because he's really the only true function one out of everybody. |
posted by Katie @ 3:15 PM  |
12.05.2007 |
Simon Cowell |
Simon Cowell. I can't wait for American Ido to start up again. My favorite part is the auditions. Simon has got to be my favorite judge, easy. He isn't afraid to speak his mind and they those horrible people that they are bad singers!!!!!!!!!!!
posted by Katie @ 3:38 PM  |
12.04.2007 |
Nick Spano |
Nick Spano. Probably most famous for his role as Donnie Stevens, the oldest brother from the show "Even Stevens" which used to air on the Disney Channel. He was recently in a car commercial (Mazda, I think) as well as "NCIS" where he proclaimed that it was "the most skin [he's] ever shown." If you've seen the episode, that's quote is totally true! Plus he is a cute, sweet italian boy... like Tory! (Only Tory is still my favorite).
posted by Katie @ 5:38 PM  |
12.03.2007 |
Smudge and the Penguins |
Smudge. He is so cute and adorable, if you haven't seen Surf's Up, go rent it right now! I believe his most famous line in the movie is, "He's [Tank] a dirty trashcan full of poop."
posted by Katie @ 3:23 PM  |
12.02.2007 |
Reggie Willits |
Reggie Willits. Angel's #77... well he was anyway, at least last year. I didn't draw him today, but instead I chose him because he might no longer be with the Angel's. They wanna trade him along with Ervin Santana and Erik Aybar to San Diego Padres (hey, at least he's still close, right?) for Some Green(e) guy. But it's just in the talks, so I hope the trade doesn't go through because in the long run, the Angels will probably be worse off without him.
posted by Katie @ 3:18 PM  |
12.01.2007 |
Meat |
.jpg) You-Know-Who. I dunno what to say because if you know who this is, it's pretty self-explanatory. |
posted by Katie @ 10:04 AM  |