Geez, games are so much more stressful to watch on TV than when you're actually there. At least when your there you can control where you look. When it's on TV you only get to see what the camera is focused on.
I got an e-mail from a Kopitar fan that I recently added to my friends list. Apparently i didn't read her info and she sent me a message saying "It's cool to meet another Kings fan from Temecula." So I now have a friend that appreciates it as much as me! She was pissed that she had to miss tonight's game against the Senators because of work... bummer, I'm watching it now and it's first intermission and they just showed the locker room cam... haha... Ivanans was in the shot without his jersey on and was re-wrapping his blade. He had some weird rhythm going the way he was wrapping it and it was hard to follow. His super tight shirt showed off his arms though :)
New pictures I found... Kopi drinking water, I can't get over how adorable he is
Haha... I like this one, can you figure out why? (and not because of the kid) Anze is generally awesome at picking out a nice pair of jeans, like here ;)
Marcus looks kinda like this when you squeeze his knee, only his mouth is closed a little more. He's extremely ticklish
Dude! He looks so fun...
Just look at this kid... lucky! I've never seen Ivanans this playful. I could get used to it
The ref is holding him from fighting more... you can already tell Ivanans apparently didn't have his fight strap down... 'cause his jersey is off
Kopi! I heart you! And I like your sweatshirt... and your hair looks nice
How far and Army throw Kopi's stick? They're watching to find out... it must have been good, they all look like little kids. (Kopi, Cammy, and Dallman are the only ones I recognize)