My family, my uncle, and I went to Universal Studios again yesterday. I wanted to get another picture with Frankenstein, since it would be our 4 month anniversary, but I only caught a glimpse of him while he was diverting people by taking a stroll through the candy store. I did get some pictures with a few more monsters though!
 We hit up Dracula when we first got there. I was gonna get one with him last time we went but he was being mobbed by adoring fans...
This guy called us over to him... we weren't planning on a picture with him but he pulled us over and then did this
We saw this guy last time too but didn't get a pickture. He reminds me of Uncle Jesse (Full House)
I love Egyptian statues and stuff like this. They're pretty hot, I mean, for statues. But this one reminded me of Menkaure & Queen (even though they were people, not animals). I didn't realize till after that we were matching.
Ah, Beetlejucie. He tried to like and kiss my face but my dad wasn't able to get a picture fast enough. I actually had my arm around the guy but he was just so big it didn't reach the other side... He was a hefty fellow. Hey! I'm just noticing, he is really big. Almost a whole head taller than me... that would make him about between 6' 4" and 6' 6" Awesome person of the day will be coming later...