11.17.2007 |
Tony Hawk |
Tony Hawk. First guy to land the 900 (that would be 2 1/2 spins in the air). Super adorable even though Kaplow says he's the epitome of ugly :( and Duffy claims that Tony is his brother "I always tell people that but they never believe me!..." He is friends with the Jackass guys but he is smart enough not to do any of the crazy shit they do. Oh! And he was just on "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader." He was I think 2 or 3 questions away from $1,000,000 but he dropped out because he didn't know an answer and had no more cheats left. But he really liked Nathan because he saved him twice. Tony was carrying the kid around the stage and didn't' want to put him down. He told the kid that he would name a skate park after him, then he gave Nathan a skateboard and signed it. So if you see a skate park with the name "Nathan" in it, it's named after that kid.
posted by Katie @ 1:27 PM  |