His jersey is next to Getzalf's!!!!!!!  Awe, how cute  Yeeeeah  The blue (helmet) looks really good on him. Good color. I just thought I'd brag a little about Kopi making All-Stars. Anywho, Kaplow, if you're reading this, I need to tell you about what happened with our spanish teacher today. I saw him when I was on y way to his class but I had just left Secules's class. He asked if I was going to 6th period and I was like 'duh!' but I didn't really say that. So he told me to wait because he had just come from sub-ing for someone else and left his jacket in the class, and walked out as the door locked behind him. He made me wait outside the class room until the teacher gets back so I could get it for him while he went off to class! The only upside was that I could skip out on that class until the teacher came back. Bad news, the teacher came back, and screaming curse words into her cell phone! All the little freshmen waiting outside the class backed up. She was pissed. I have never seen a teacher (or anyone) as mad as she was. I was afraid to go in! I'll have to give you the details in person or something, it was too good... but scary. Kings and Philly Flyers tomorrow at 4 pm PT! Yay! I don't have to stay up late! Oh, and when me and Ashley were up at the basketball court today, Ryan, the community security guy, drove by on his golf cart. He drove by us once and on the way back he pulled onto the court. People aren't really supposed to be skating or riding their bike on the court so since me and Ashley were roller blading, we thought he was going to tell us to leave. Now, the only reason we know his name was because we called security on the boys because they were lighting things on fire during the big wild fires in early October. We had told him about all the stuff the boys had done so he took down our names and he really hadn't seen him since. But as he pulled into the court, he stopped in front of Ashley and I putting on our skates and asked if we were into hockey (I use KOHO roller hockey skates). I didn't want him to think we were going to tear up the place with hockey sticks so I told him we just liked to skate. Then he started telling us about how he was really into hockey when he was in high school (he's probably about 25 now) and played ice hockey for his high school. But he doesn't have time for it anymore (I asked if he watched the All Star Game 2008 over the weekend and he didn't know what I was talking about). It was quiet for a moment and then he pointed his finger at Ashley and said, "Katie, right?" I looked at him and corrected him. "No, I'm Katie, that's Ashley." We were shocked he remembered our names. Then he goes on saying that he's horrible with names, but yet he remembered ours, which we only told him once, over 3 months ago! And never talked to him since! Crazyness!!!!!